Anyone looking forward to BASEBALL??

I'm ready for the Cards to get out of Milwaukee. Darn Brewers gave them that injury bug. With Molina and Wainwright dinged up in the last 2 days ... well ... let's just say I don't like it!
I'm ready for the Cards to get out of Milwaukee. Darn Brewers gave them that injury bug. With Molina and Wainwright dinged up in the last 2 days ... well ... let's just say I don't like it!

After tomorrow they will have given you three more wins on the plus side.
3 out of 4 from the scrubbies, where u at j-bird????? :p:D:D
Poor cubbies. The Cards start their homestand with a 1 game lead. They go 9-2 and now lead by 6-1/2. ;)
I won't hide! The Cards went on a winning streak and my cubbies went the other direction. My cubbies still have a bright future - what we faced in St. Louis would have beaten any team out there - I'm just glad we found at least some offense.

What I don't understand is how we score only 4 runs in 3 games against the worst team in baseball (Brewers) - tough to win when you average a little over a run a game - thats expecting way too much of any pitching staff (even thought our pitching still gave up 12 runs over 3 games).

Then we find some offense (19 runs in 4 games) but a buzz-saw in St. Louis (they scored 28 runs in 4 games - that would beat any team in most cases - and shows some of our pitching issues).

here is the sad part - my cubbies are still in second place as of right now! I knew we wouldn't be a real threat this year, but it was fun and a great start to the season for them. They have a lot of kids and obviously some middle relief pitching issues. If we finish over 500 its a good step in the right direction (yep it was that bad, when you look forward to 500 ball).

Trust me guys - I have been a cubs fan ever since I can remember and the sting that comes with it. This is nothing new.
Just having a little fun with it :D. But its a looonnnggg season so anything can happen.
I am well aware off how long the misery of a season can be. When you lose 100 games in a season it seems like the seasons just drags on. I have been a fan of my cubbies for as long as I can remember and what that has taught me is that you have to enjoy the good times - they are typically short lived. I'm just glad to see that it appears we have some folks that know what they are doing finally in charge.
I will agree the Cubbies do have the possibilities of a bright future, but that is still a little ways off. They are still a young team. I see lots of people are really high on that new 3rd baseman Bryant. He is doing well. If he goes on to hit around .280 and finds the power and hits 20 or so homers, he'll likely win rookie of the year and it will be considered a very successful season for him. But that won't carry a team. Of course, you have to be very careful with how much stock you put into the kids. Young kids, when they are complimentary players, are great, but you need the experience to lead. Anyway, I think only about 50% of the highly touted prospects end up having a decent career, let alone becoming super stars. What happened to Javier Baez, btw? I won't even mention Mark Prior. Oops sorry. Hey, at least I didn't bring up *Bruce Suter or Lou Brock! ;)

*My sister met Bruce Suter yesterday at the opening of a new Gander Mountain!
Man, I try and try and try and try to not bash the Cubs. But come on, I just can't help it. I need to go to rehab or something!
Don't worry I can take it. It isn't just the guys your mentioned either. Joe carter, Rafael Palmero, Greg maddux left for a while, Dennis Eckersley just to name a few. We have also had our share of busts as far as prospects are concerned. Baez is down in the minors trying to straighten out his mental aspect at the plate. For now he is the odd man out - he may have a lot of potential but if you can't hot in the bigs there isn't much room for you. The Bryant kid is doing well and what is great is that he acts like he knows what is going on. He does a lot of the little things right and is showing great patience - we need to not screw him up. I agree we need a little time to gel yet buy I think me t year and beyond we may be able to give your cards a run for their money.
Just bustin' yer chops j-bird. I enjoy talking baseball with anyone knowledgable.

Knowledgable? Been called a lot of things - never that! My Cubs got their butts handed to them again today. By the brew crew again. Just like that the wheels fell off - WTF!
Lots of talk about A-rod and 660. got my own opinion - curious what others think.
Knowledgable? Been called a lot of things - never that! My Cubs got their butts handed to them again today. By the brew crew again. Just like that the wheels fell off - WTF!
I was confused too. Knowledgeable and Cubs fan just doesn't seem to fit in the same sentence :cool:
Lots of talk about A-rod and 660. got my own opinion - curious what others think.
I have mixed emotions on it. What he and many many others were doing wasn't even banned in baseball at the time they were doing it. Records were made to be broken and they are being broken. We are really talking about totally different eras here. Relief pitching specialist, intentional walks, defensive shifts, technology, etc... has all changed the game. The records are theirs (A-Rod, Bonds, McGuire) but there are arguments both ways when it comes down whether their modern day numbers are more impressive than those of the old timers.
I'm a huge baseball fan and Yankees fan. To me it is a tainted record. While the Yankees aren't paying his bonus because of financial reasons, glad they are fighting it - you shouldn't be rewarded for doing things the wrong way.

Steriods and PED's weren't illegal in baseball but they are illegal in general so I'm not sure why that is a point anyone makes. It was and will continue to be a problem. I played D3 college baseball and even at that level, 50% of the guys were taking some type of illegal drug to try to enhance their game in hopes of landing an opportunity.
I'm a huge baseball fan and Yankees fan. To me it is a tainted record. While the Yankees aren't paying his bonus because of financial reasons, glad they are fighting it - you shouldn't be rewarded for doing things the wrong way.

Steriods and PED's weren't illegal in baseball but they are illegal in general so I'm not sure why that is a point anyone makes. It was and will continue to be a problem. I played D3 college baseball and even at that level, 50% of the guys were taking some type of illegal drug to try to enhance their game in hopes of landing an opportunity.
PED's have been around forever. Speed, amphetamines, and even cocaine were used back in the day by athletes across all sports looking for an edge. I'm not saying its right but I am saying its not a new thing and also not going away anytime soon.
Lots of talk about A-rod and 660. got my own opinion - curious what others think.

Well, I assume you followed the big home run chase of 1998, as did I, being that is was a Cardinal and a Cub. I guess we have to feel about the A-Rod situation the same way we feel about McGwire and Sosa. Man, that was a fun ride back then! Now ... its disappointing that they won't get into the Hall and the accomplishments are generally dismissed. What could have been awesome chapters for the franchises we follow are now embarrassing. The same thing is happening with A-Rod. No one really cares much about what he is doing, it is dismissed. And I'm sure Yankees fans are disappointed and wish his records meant something.

Should they have to pay him his bonus money? Who cares?
I hope he and others (Sosa and McGuire included) never get voted into the hall. These folks damaged the game for their own personal gain. We can't get that back so I hope they never get the ultimate satisfaction. Maybe that's a harsh perspective but by allowing them in only validates that cheating is ok even if it damaged the sport.
They won't get in. It will forever be known as the tainted steroid era. I feel sorry for the clean guys who played during that time.