Anyone have any Chinese sequin seed available this fall?

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Looking to add some sequins for diversity. Potted some from wildlife group last fall and they didn’t live through the winter. Not sure what happened. I remember others having similar issues. Hoping these continuous flowering sequins will also help with my chestnut pollination. Don’t know what the deal is but my oldest, 6th leaf chestnuts are having pollination issues.
I got mine from Schumacher seeds this March

Kept in fridge for 60 days and planted~160 in RM18s May 27

~60% germinated and have grown well

I plan to transplant to RBIIs later this month and overwinter them at home

Will probably keep them at home one more growing season( after moving up to 3 gal RBII) and then transplant to field

Looking to add some sequins for diversity. Potted some from wildlife group last fall and they didn’t live through the winter. Not sure what happened. I remember others having similar issues. Hoping these continuous flowering sequins will also help with my chestnut pollination. Don’t know what the deal is but my oldest, 6th leaf chestnuts are having pollination issues.

I have some sequin trees (more like small bushes) that have quite a few nuts this year. Not enough to feed deer, but I assume the nuts should be viable and I could send you a few.
My trees have been slow growing, but were very fast to start actually producing nuts. I stuck 6 eighteen inch bare root in the ground about 5 years ago and I really didn't take good care of them. They were caged, but I didn't put down a weed barrier for the first 3 years and grasses and weeds were out-competing them. I put weed barrier down 2 years ago and the nut producing started to really increase. They are impressive producers...I just wish they grew faster. Maybe it's the location I planted or my growing zone (zone 6a-b), but after 5 years, they still haven't reached 5 feet, yet.
Shoot me a PM.
I have some sequin trees (more like small bushes) that have quite a few nuts this year. Not enough to feed deer, but I assume the nuts should be viable and I could send you a few.
My trees have been slow growing, but were very fast to start actually producing nuts. I stuck 6 eighteen inch bare root in the ground about 5 years ago and I really didn't take good care of them. They were caged, but I didn't put down a weed barrier for the first 3 years and grasses and weeds were out-competing them. I put weed barrier down 2 years ago and the nut producing started to really increase. They are impressive producers...I just wish they grew faster. Maybe it's the location I planted or my growing zone (zone 6a-b), but after 5 years, they still haven't reached 5 feet, yet.
Shoot me a PM.
Much Tks Tap! Will shoot you PM. I just want to direct seed a handful of them
It finally stopped raining long enough to get out and snap some pics.
Any advice on when to pick these? Do I need to wait until the husks start to split open?
I have 6 trees that are loaded. Some trees have larger nuts than the other trees. I assume the larger ones are more desirable for planting??

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Wait until they husks begin to open. This indicates the nuts are mature. I lost all of mine to disease this year except one small seedling that I started from a nut. It was the only one to survive the disease. I was hoping the Wildlife group would have them this year. I was planning on buying a few as seed producers and start growing them again.

It sounds like Bill (Treedaddy) got some good nuts from Schumacher. After my fiasco with them I won't try buying nuts from them again. I'm glad Bill had some success.

My interest in these is that they produce more than one crop of nuts a year and they are resistant to blight. Other than that, they seem to be similar in nut size and production to my Allegheny Chinquapins that are native to my place.


Thanks for the pics Tap! As Jack stated once the husk start to split they should be good to go. I will take any size/quantity you are willing to send! Will gladly pay for nuts and shipping etc.. Not sure if you have paypal or not but that pretty easy way to send money. Can always mail you a check as well.
Thanks again and this forum is awesome! Jordan

It finally stopped raining long enough to get out and snap some pics.
Any advice on when to pick these? Do I need to wait until the husks start to split open?
I have 6 trees that are loaded. Some trees have larger nuts than the other trees. I assume the larger ones are more desirable for planting??

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Jordan...check your PM.