Anyone growing Sundance apples ?


5 year old buck +
Reading the Penn State guide for home orchard & small scale growers, they have a chart that lists scab-resistant varieties. Sundance is listed as a newer release that is also resistant to CAR, powdery mildew, and fireblight. Do any of you apple guys grow Sundance and if so, what are the pros / cons?

The chart has the usual familiar varieties listed, but I'd never heard of Sundance. Scarlet O'Hara either - which is in the DR chart too.
I grafted a few Scarlett O'Hara trees last spring. That's from the PRI breeding program if I remember correctly.
I have several Sundance Apple trees two on MM111 and two on B118 rootstock as I remember. I can't report on any fruit characteristics as of yet as they were only on their second leaf last growing season. They appear to be strong growers, healthy trees with no scab issues.
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I've got one ordered from Cummins this spring on G-41 rootstock to add to my trellis in the home orchard. From what I've read it sounds like a good one.
I've got one coming up on third leaf that I got from Cummins on b.118.

It's been a strong grower and disease free. It's patented so I can't share scions, but based on my limited experience it seems like a winner.
I've got one coming up on third leaf that I got from Cummins on b.118.

It's been a strong grower and disease free. It's patented so I can't share scions, but based on my limited experience it seems like a winner.

I don't think someones gonna come to some random guys house to test his apple tree, that better not be a sundance, wheres your receipt? :)
I don't think someones gonna come to some random guys house to test his apple tree, that better not be a sundance, wheres your receipt? :)

You’re probably right BV, and I”m not much of a rule follower generally. But I put myself in the shoes of the poor slobs that did the research and with any luck are benefiting at least somewhat from the apple’s success, and I think ‘let them have their due’.
You’re probably right BV, and I”m not much of a rule follower generally. But I put myself in the shoes of the poor slobs that did the research and with any luck are benefiting at least somewhat from the apple’s success, and I think ‘let them have their due’.

I was being mostly sarcastic, character, integrity, its all vital to ones well being but why not poke fun when the doors left open? :)
I was being mostly sarcastic, character, integrity, its all vital to ones well being but why not poke fun when the doors left open? :)


P.S. Welcome to the snow belt, no one is safe anymore!
Thanks for the input guys. I guess none of us has Sundance to the point of fruiting yet. Reports sound good on it. I may order a couple for next spring.
Thanks for the input guys. I guess none of us has Sundance to the point of fruiting yet. Reports sound good on it. I may order a couple for next spring.
I planted 20 trees from Wafler Nursery last year.., 2 each of ten different varieties on M111. The two Sundance trees put on the most growth.
I have Scarlett O'Hara and the fruit is amazing. It's mid size fruit and an awesome eating Apple. I planted because my wife's favorite movie is Gone With the Wind which had Scarlett O'Hara as one of the main characters. I had 2 originally that are fruiting and then planted 2 more last year. I can send some scion wood if anyone needs it
Any updates on this one? On paper it seems like a no-brainer for wildlife planting. I’ve caught the grafting bug, but if this one is as good as advertised, I might have to buy a tree next year.
I have two Sundance trees planted. One is on B.118 and one on P.18. Both were just planted last year, but so far both are doing well. What appealed to me is the fact they ripen late October and hold into January. It’s too early to tell, but so far so good.
Mine bloomed this year for the first time, unknown rootstock from Gurneys. Seems like the patent expires20210411_115125.jpg this year 12-21-21 (?) Co-op 29.
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My Sundance trees have been bearing fruit for about 3 or 4 years now. I would rate it on par with Galarina and Goldrush as being a late hanger with my notes listing it as having a quite a few apples still hanging through January last year. Apple ripens about the first of November in zone 5a, excellent for eating if fruit is left on the tree to fully ripen, quite bland if picked early before flavor has fully developed. A good apple for wildlife.
Would you be interested in selling me some scion sticks off one of your Sundance apple trees? I'm in Nebraska and want to have liberty and Sundance apple trees for deer bait on trail cameras. I planted a liberty and a Sundance but when I fertilized them last year it killed them, didn't get any rain. I was so sad about it.
I don’t have any scion of Sundance but it does appear as the Patent expired 12/21/21 from what I’ve seen online.
Would you be interested in selling me some scion sticks off one of your Sundance apple trees? I'm in Nebraska and want to have liberty and Sundance apple trees for deer bait on trail cameras. I planted a liberty and a Sundance but when I fertilized them last year it killed them, didn't get any rain. I was so sad about it.

Just as a heads up, Cummins has one Sundance left on G890 rootstock, which I think is a decent wildlife rootstock (lots more on smaller rootstocks). I think you will see much quicker results planting a bareroot tree than grafting a scion. I just thought I'd pass this along as an option.