Anyone growing Sundance apples ?

I’ve seen several nursery’s selling Sundance after the expiration of the patent that didn’t have them in their website before the first of the year. So it looks like several companies must of grafted stock last year in anticipation of the patent expiration for spring sales this year. If I was in the business I’d probably have done the same.
Would you be interested in selling me some scion sticks off one of your Sundance apple trees? I'm in Nebraska and want to have liberty and Sundance apple trees for deer bait on trail cameras. I planted a liberty and a Sundance but when I fertilized them last year it killed them, didn't get any rain. I was so sad about it.
I can get you a couple sticks, liberty too (if needed). Send me a PM with a shipping address and I will get it sent. No charge.
My Sundance grafts had some rather attractive fall foliage (for an apple). Are others seeing coloration like this?


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Oh NO! The dreaded Orange Blight!
Haha, just kidding.