Well, he couldn't keep his head down. Made it through the first two gun seasons, but got killed in the third (ML) by a guy who hunts the neighbor's across our fence. I probably take it too seriously, but it's a little frustrating for a couple reasons. The guy also took a beautiful 2.5 year old 8 pointer on opening day. And I shared trail cam pics with the landowner (he runs no cameras) and he agreed the buck would be recognizable and easy to pass. But he apparently doesn't share the pics or sentiment with his hunters, all the while he does share my mindset of holding for mature bucks. If a kid had shot the deer I'd be just fine with that, but this guy is a veteran old hunter with many buck kills over the years. I think it's just numbers to him. Just hate to see so many great young deer never get close to reaching their potential. I know it's the same problem most everyone has. Also I know not everyone will agree with me, or has the same harvest goals. Just had to vent a little.