I’m a cop and had to respond to an eagle stuck in the ice call once. I get there and this PETA wannabe is almost sobbing because the poor eagle is trapped. It looks fine to me but didn’t move for several minutes. I decide ima throw a rock at it to see what it does. She loses her shit and literally calls 911! I convince her I couldn’t hit it if I tried. I toss the rock and I swear I wasn’t trying to hit it just get close. Yup. Hit the thing square in the head. It was fine. It was sitting there eating a fish. It screeched and flew away. I wasn’t even back to my car yet and my Sgt knew. I’d kinda forgotten about it and was called back to meet with S-1(chief) about a week later. He got me good. He had a formal complaint all typed up and as I went to sign it he lost it belly laughing. He had tears in his eyes! I had been a cop for about 4 years at this point and the chief remembered an FTO reporting that I struck a cat while in route to a shots fired call. I still have that fake letter. Once I actually read it it was hilarious.