All this rain has its advantages

Steve Oehlenschlager

5 year old buck +
You know it is a wet year when you can mow your spring planted clover 3 times! I mowed all my clover for the last time early this week. Then it gets 4 more inches of rain and more is imminent. Normally I mow my last time about mid August and by September 10th or so the growth is going backwards as it gets grazed. I have a feeling it might be growing for quite awhile this year.
Must be nice...We have had no rain in weeks. Corn is shot. We only had 1 cutting of hay. They are calling for the first days of rain this coming weekend. Seeds have been in and waiting.
Must be nice...We have had no rain in weeks. Corn is shot. We only had 1 cutting of hay. They are calling for the first days of rain this coming weekend. Seeds have been in and waiting.
Would be nice to know where that is but your location isn't filled in.