I'd like to see pics that are CLEAR of the UFO's - not blurry, dark, gyrating, etc. We just had crystal clear pics of Russian fighter jets dumping fuel on our drones in the Ukraine region. CLEAR. All the so-called UFO pics in the news are NOT CLEAR.
I'd also like to know why any UFO is automatically an "alien" spaceship. Unidentified is just that - unidentified. Why do folks automatically assume there's an alien being making something fly?? There's an awful lot of strange natural phenomena (like ball lightning) that can move at will at varying speeds, bounce along the ground, bounce off objects, etc. There's no rhyme or reason to ball lightning' behavior ...... and that's just ONE natural phenomenon.
Look at what drones with lights can do these days. Groups of them flying in patterns ......... must be little green men.
Sure they could be drones, this is why I typically use older examples because we have the benefit of hindsight. Anything you see today could be dismissed as modern tech or unknown military tech.
Pilots described basketball size bright glowing round orbs zipping around their planes in WW2 they called Foo Fighters. This is common knowledge and now know they weren’t drones right?
The lights over Washington DC in the 1950’s they first picked up on radar, then saw by eye, then dispatched our fastest fighter jets to intercept but they “disappeared” before they got there.
The “battle of Los Angeles”, the military thought the Japanese were attacking in 1942 and dispensed thousands of rounds at the light in the sky and never hit it. The news article pictured below shows the spotlights focused on a hovering object we now know wasn’t human tech in 1942.
Remember when US Air Force captain Robert Salas admitted to the public they saw a UFO hover over nukes and it shut them down in 1967?
There’s the Wilson memo the public was never supposed to see.
As far as I can tell, Reagan was the last president briefed on this subject and it’s well documented and known. Here is one page of 51 in the “Reagan Records” found here.
The military started with operation MJ12, it evolved into project Blue Book when the public became aware of MJ12. The response given to the public was MJ12 didn’t find anything abnormal. But they didn’t say they changed the name of the same study to project BB (to avoid FOIA requests). The public becomes aware of BB and they admit it’s a thing but explained all the weird things people were reporting were naturally occurring things like “swamp gas refracting light” despite the credible witnesses. Yet they “closed” BB and changed the project code to Aquarius. This happens over and over again, nothing to see here so we closed the project (but started a new one without admitting it). Fast forward to 2019 when the NYTIMES wrote the article about todays UAP programs being funded by “dark money”. This spans 80 to 100 years now guys. The 3 videos verified and released were just a tiny view of the whole event and doesn’t tell the whole story according to the pilots. The point is, the military has studied UFO’s the whole time while telling the public they aren’t finding anything and closing the case, but they weren’t.
Bob Lazar claimed he worked on UFO tech and spoke about a power source they called Element 115 which didn’t exist in the 80’s but we have made today.
Betty and Barney Hill were an interracial couple that only realized they were abducted after hypnosis. They recalled seeing the UFO and the incident but couldn’t explain the lost time (hours) so they tried hypnosis.
Ryan Graves testified at last week’s hearing under oath that they saw these “not as a rare occurrence but saw these strange radar hits every single day” and only saw what they were in person when one time they were appeared near the area they were practicing in and got it on their aircraft cameras. Someone in the military leaked the 3 videos and the DOD had to admit they were authentic. Matt Grusch that also testified said there are funded government programs to debunk modern sightings, he also said our first UFO recovery was in the 1930’s, well before Roswell.
There are literally thousands of modern videos of UFO’s but of course the go to is always “it’s modern human tech”, which it could be, but we haven’t just seen them in modern times.
I’ve said enough for now, like I initially said. If you honestly look at the sky and try to grasp the size of what is out there and knowing the Drake equation says there are hundreds, if not thousands of planets just in our Milky Way that could potentially hold life and you still think it’s just us in all that. You probably wouldn’t believe it unless a UAP landed on your doorstep and an alien greeted you at this point.