Age please

3.5 would be my best guess.
Myself I was thinking 2.5 - 3
I'd guess a fat 2.5. When he looses all his weight in November his age will show more.
I'd also go with 3.5 at minimum, likely 4.5. I've shot a couple of MN and WI that had similar sized bodies that looked just like that in September. He'll look much older when he gains 25 pounds of muscle on his shoulders and neck in the next 2 months.
I would go with 3.5, starting to put a bit of body structure; however, that may be bulk from good food all summer. The head still looks young.
3.5 in Wisconsin, down south I would call that a 4.5 yr old
There's a good chance he's a 3.5. But that deer is fatter than he is muscular. Of course he's going to "rut up " this fall and look broader, they all do. He's also going to loose a lot of that fat, that's makes him look a thicker than he really is at this point.
That's is an exceptionally fat deer. You can see it on his belly. The excess fat is extremely apparent in his shoulders. Those "rolls" aren't consistent with the anatomy of muscle. older bucks have a broader anatomy because the muscle and bone structure contributes to the thicker appearance.
Id bet many would have picked two different ages if you would have blacked out the antlers. Those are two drastic poses, which plays tricks with the eyes.....
When I bought the prorerty 3.5 years ago I was lucky to get pic's of spikes or forks. I'm pleased with what I am seeing this year so far.
In Clark Co. that is a pretty typical 3.5 yo buck, and that assessment has nothing at all to do with it's headgear. That body screams 3.5 all day. Honestly for a 3.5 yo, that rack is rather unimpressive, all things considered. Very nice either way tooln, glad to see your starting to get some age on a few bucks in your area.
In Clark Co. that is a pretty typical 3.5 yo buck, and that assessment has nothing at all to do with it's headgear. That body screams 3.5 all day. Honestly for a 3.5 yo, that rack is rather unimpressive, all things considered. Very nice either way tooln, glad to see your starting to get some age on a few bucks in your area.

Pretty much what I thought. The only factor that could possibly make it 4.5 years old would be last years winter. I noticed a few of 4.5 year old bucks this year that looked younger [less weight] due to the winter that we had last year.
Nice looking buck, both body and antlers. Don't forget the winter we had last year. That deer looks really good considering the hard winter. Doesn't show the stress that the deer we have left went thru.
TT...was typing while you posted. We must be seeing similar things.
The things to me that suggests he is 3.5 and not older is he does not have a hump developing above his shoulders, no sag in the back, and his head is long and narrow like a dogs.
Deep chest, torso, well defined muscles, I'd say he goes 3.5 +......maybe add a year., not more.
3.5 for me. Wait til the neck swells in month he'll look a lot different.
my first thought was 4.