Age and score?

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
Just interested in what you think about this new deer. I have no history with him, and he has just drifted in the last couple of weeks. I can't decide if he is 3 or 4.





Yes, I'd say he's 3 or 4, lol. Probably leaning 3. Looks pretty tight. Probably 140s... doesn't get much help from mass or G4's.
Same. Could go either way..

Doesn't have the big hams of a typical 4 year old but has some sway in his back that makes me think he might be 4. If pressed, I'd be more inclined to say 4.
The benefits of having a "doe factory", you get guys like this one showing up during the pre-rut/rut. We get to see the same. More and more buck pictures starting the first couple of cold fronts in mid to late-September and continuing until late December in Northern MO.

I would feel pretty confident saying 3.5 year old. No idea on score. I'm pretty terrible at estimating antler scores.
Around here, the shape and features of his body and his rack both would indicate a 3.5 yo. That would be my guess. Your area may be different, but I have seen some of your posts and your deer tend to look a lot like ours.
Regardless of age, that is a nice, healthy, mature buck. I’d lean toward that being a 4.5 year old buck where our camp is, but I sure would not swear to it. Either way, he’s a beauty.
In this area he’d be 3. I would give him a year and shoot him then as a 153”er

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3 for sure!! Smoker next year!
Look at the difference in his neck and the neck on this one.

Considerable difference in neck size. Could be a few different factors though…individual animal‘s testosterone level would be my first guess, but then there is, what, 11 days between those pics, maybe the first one has gained some muscle since then. They seem to be able to do it fairly quickly.
The other thing I have noticed is they can “flex” it a bit too. I see this with our dog. He looks fairly normal but if a stranger is in the driveway he will flex and his collar, which is normally quite loose, will get so tight I can’t get my fingers under it to get a hold of him.
It is pretty amazing how much we can see and learn about individual deer now that trail cams have virtually opened up their world to us.
Considerable difference in neck size. Could be a few different factors though…individual animal‘s testosterone level would be my first guess, but then there is, what, 11 days between those pics, maybe the first one has gained some muscle since then. They seem to be able to do it fairly quickly.
The other thing I have noticed is they can “flex” it a bit too. I see this with our dog. He looks fairly normal but if a stranger is in the driveway he will flex and his collar, which is normally quite loose, will get so tight I can’t get my fingers under it to get a hold of him.

I should have mentioned that last one is a different deer. The racks are similar but the last deer is older than the first. I think you and others have nailed it on that first deer being three years old. Hopefully I will get a look at him in another year.
I’m going to say 3.5 as well. Really nice deer. Will be awesome next year if he sticks around.

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