About Had Enough

I have many friends in law enforcement and I am very worried about them. This is becoming an everyday occurrence.
Don't take this wrong. I think there should be a loud public outcry when cops shoot an innocent. The thing that has been striking me in recent years is where is the outcry when these cops are being killed? The good ones (overwhelming majority) are actively trying to protect us, yet they get a blurb on the local news. A civilian, not always, but most often doing something illegal to begin with, is killed by cops and it makes national news for weeks to months...and then we get to rehash it all over again on its anniversary. How many times do you hear/read/see something like, "this is the 1 year anniversary of Officer ______ being gunned down while trying to stop a shootout that killed 5 innocents in the residential area of ________"??????

Keeping with my urge rant today, as seen on QDMA's forum, I'm just not impressed with who we are becoming as a people anymore. In many ways, it seems each generation is getting stupider, as opposed to more intelligent. Sure, we may understand brain functions today better than even just 5 years ago, but we seem to have forgotten how to use our brains.
If and when it's a clear cut case of what happened and that some poor SOB is guilty as all get out. Have your trial, find him guilty, walk out onto the courthouse front steps and SHOOT THEIR ASS!

that is why I can never run for president......thank you!

(sorry John - delete if you need to)
When I was younger, I was against the death penalty, as it shouldn't matter if it's 1 innocent a year, 1 every 10 years or 1 every 100 years that's put to death for a crime they didn't commit, that's too many and completely unacceptable in my mind. With DNA evidence and the light years evidence gathering has come these days, I'm for the death penalty, when the evidence is overwhelming and simply can't be debated.

sorry for the momentary thread derailment.
We are facing times where the general public, not just the sheetheads, no longer support the police. Ever witness a police officer who just doesn't give a sheet anymore. Or worse yet a whole department. It's not a pretty sight. If the trend of negativity towards police continues, more and more officers will say fudge it and "retire on duty". Good luck getting a quick police response when you really need it. And one day all of us or our family members will likely need it.

Most just don't understand what the police do. They see the media reports and that's it. Nevermind that burglar they caught down the block that has been breaking into all the houses while the hard working people are out earning a living. Nevermind the gang member they arrested with a gun that could have fired the stray bullet that could have found one of your loved ones. Nevermind the missing suicidal subject they found along the railroad tracks before he could himself or others.

Sorry for the rambling. Sensitive subject for me. Manhunt still ongoing for the men who killed a 32 year veteran of the Fox Lake, IL Police Department early Tuesday morning. He attempted to detain three suspicious subjects, called in a foot pursuit, and that was it. Backup Officers found him shot dead. And people ask me why would he chase three guys by himself. My answer: because he is the Effen POLICE! He was out there serving and protecting doing proactive police work to make the neighborhood a better place! The police need not retreat. The police need not let every a-hole run away for their freedom without concern of being chased and caught. God bless Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz.
God bless The Thin Blue Line!!!!!!!
I'm not making this political (or at least trying not to), but we are getting what 'they' wanted.

The feds sending (multiple) representatives to funerals of minorities killed by police, then making the police stand down at riots.

Throw Al Sharpton in there to stir the pot, and what do you have? Ticked off minorities.

It's criminal what they are doing to the less informed. They are handing them a can of gas and a match, then acting surprised when a fire starts.

The older I get the more 'black helicopter' I become. The general public is becoming more of a puppet every day. Don't think for yourself, just follow the corrupt leaders of this country (both parties). That's what they want (and unfortunately are being pretty successful at it).

Fortunately I'm fairly isolated from what is going on based on where I live. Unfortunately not everyone is.

God speed to the boys in blue. I sure don't envy them.
