A tree and 2 bushes walk into a bar


5 year old buck +
First two are growing around my well pump so I'm digging them up. The redish Bush thing is all by itself in the middle of a field. And the last one is growing around the pond. Any ideas what these things are?
Pics 3 and 4 one with the red berrys is sumac (staghorn I believe ) the next 3 pics look like Mullein.
The leaf you’re holding is from a sassafras tree. It bends over easy as the trunk is weak. Tie that sucker down and the deer will love you.
They love them at my house.
Pics 3 and 4 one with the red berrys is sumac (staghorn I believe ) the next 3 pics look like Mullein.
The red isn't a berry it's a flower I took the picture from the truck so the image isn't great.
Here is a wider slightly better picture
its not really a berry but I agree with stag horn sumac.
I agree with Mullein also. Cut that seed head off and get it into a burn barrel. :).
Pics 3 and 4 one with the red berrys is sumac (staghorn I believe ) the next 3 pics look like Mullein.
Is the mullin worth keeping around?
The leaf you’re holding is from a sassafras tree. It bends over easy as the trunk is weak. Tie that sucker down and the deer will love you.
They love them at my house.
Man that stinks it's coming right up at my windmill, it has to go.
Mullein has a deep tap root that breaks up compaction, and brings up minerals from deep in your soil. It will grow in rocky, sandy soil, and once it's done it's job improving your soil it will generally stop germinating any more. It is a biennial.

It has many health benefits. Tea made from the leaves are often used for asthma, and many other ailments.

The leaves also work great as toilet paper if the need arises.

I don't know of any harm it causes. It doesn't really compete with other plants as it makes use of deeper root zones.
Agree with diagnoses as mentioned

Sumac in east texas has bright red berries that persist well into winter

?smooth sumac

Maybe you should harvest the seed and keep it on hand for the next shit show.

You can sell it as “the toilet paper” plant when the shelves are bare. :)

I guess it doesn’t hurt things but they always drive me nuts when that big seed head is poking out of my clover patch.
Maybe you should harvest the seed and keep it on hand for the next shit show.

You can sell it as “the toilet paper” plant when the shelves are bare. :)

I guess it doesn’t hurt things but they always drive me nuts when that big seed head is poking out of my clover patch.
The bugs or caterpillars really love the bottom leaves everything up to about two foot off the ground was almost completely eaten
No one identified your first tree. It looks like a blackgum.

A blackgum, a sassafras, a sumac and a mullein walk into a bar. All of them drink too much and each begins bragging about themselves. The blackgum says, "I'm one of the best deer snack trees around. Deer love me so much that they will stand on their hind legs and bite my leaves. Plus, I produce a big berry that is used by lots of wildlife."

The sassafras looks confident and says, "That's nothing - people love me so much that they make tea from my roots. I am an icon of American history and folklore."

The sumac, not wanting to be outdone replies, "Everyone knows that lemonade is better than tea. People use my seedheads to make a delicious lemonade, which will quench their thirst. And, I might add that I am a very handsome guy in the fall with my beautiful colors."

The mullein just stares at the three of them for a few seconds and then he replies, "You can go to the grocery store right now and find lemonade, tea, berries and snacks, but try finding some toilet paper...………………."
No one identified your first tree. It looks like a blackgum.

A blackgum, a sassafras, a sumac and a mullein walk into a bar. All of them drink too much and each begins bragging about themselves. The blackgum says, "I'm one of the best deer snack trees around. Deer love me so much that they will stand on their hind legs and bite my leaves. Plus, I produce a big berry that is used by lots of wildlife."

The sassafras looks confident and says, "That's nothing - people love me so much that they make tea from my roots. I am an icon of American history and folklore."

The sumac, not wanting to be outdone replies, "Everyone knows that lemonade is better than tea. People use my seedheads to make a delicious lemonade, which will quench their thirst. And, I might add that I am a very handsome guy in the fall with my beautiful colors."

The mullein just stares at the three of them for a few seconds and then he replies, "You can go to the grocery store right now and find lemonade, tea, berries and snacks, but try finding some toilet paper...………………."
I'm not sure which is better, the fact you identified all the pics or the fact you then proceeded to make a sorry about them. Cheers on ya mate