A happy papaw!

Congrats Merle!
I'm currently listening to Jake and his 11 year old buddy rough-neck while playing a game in the next room.

Hard to believe that some day I'll be taking a picture of him holding one of his own. I don't want him to grow up too fast, that's already happening. But I'm not going to lie when I say I can't wait!

I'm currently listening to Jake and his 11 year old buddy rough-neck while playing a game in the next room.

Hard to believe that some day I'll be taking a picture of him holding one of his own. I don't want him to grow up too fast, that's already happening. But I'm not going to lie when I say I can't wait!

Enjoy them because it really does go by fast. We had Chuck's other boy stay with us last night and it was like having his dad that little again.
On a bright note, we were worried about how he'd do on his first stay over without his parents, but he was fine.
Gummy bears and chips for supper does that it seems.

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Merle - A good BRIBING Grandpa already ??? Gummy bears and chips, huh ?? :emoji_grin: Whatever it takes !!:emoji_wink: Kids are the BEST !!