A few blossoms started!

Thanks guys, what a mess! I have to re-spray after just spraying yesterday, plus adding a bactericide as insurance against fire blight. It's a little cold for FB, and I've never had it, but with all the damage I'm not taking any chances.

I just got an e-mail back from UVM and they said to thin later this week anyways. It will likely take out any weak damaged fruit. Just using a weak thinner anyways. It's supposed to be cloudy and that normally thins hard, but with a weak thinner maybe it will be just right. Who knows what I'll end up with. UVM thinks we still may make out with t=some fruit. I lined up two new places to wholesale to. I'd hate to say sorry, I have know apples!DSCN2381.JPG

The trees looked beautiful and real healthy yesterday before the storm, ya just never know. Hopefully we'll get some crop. These are Cortland's. Cortland's are thin leafed trees anyways, but this is ridiculous!
All the branches look like this.....DSCN2408.JPG
Dang that must have been pretty good sized hail to split limbs like that.
Dang that must have been pretty good sized hail to split limbs like that.

Here's a good representation of the size of the hail TC. This reminds me...it's 5 o'clock!DSCN2399.JPG
Here's a good representation of the size of the hail TC. This reminds me...it's 5 o'clock!

Darn Maya. That is a real bummer for me to see, I can't imagine how it is for you! I hope you are able to salvage some sort of crop this year.
I just got off the phone with my rep from CPS. He thinks I'll be ok so long as I got streptomycin down, which I did, and I keep Captan on it with no gaps. Strep is to guard against fire blight and he want the captan at least once a week to guard against black rot. FYI I guess, in case this ever happens to any of you.

This is what it looked like under the trees.... yes that much hail. This was not shoveled up!DSCN2386.JPG
Crap!!! I'll look.
No, they are past me, I'm just north of Rutland about 10 miles. Good luck!