A few blossoms started!


5 year old buck +
Most everything except Honeycrisp started to pop. Here's a few pics. Pristine...DSCN2274.JPG
Red Delicious on the left and Liberty on the right.DSCN2284.JPG
Asian pear, SDSCN2287.JPG hinseiki...
Honeycrisp need a few more days.DSCN2311.JPG
Here's a little rain catchment sytem I built last week. Need to add to it this weekend. I got that 275 gallon tank used for $50.DSCN2294.JPG
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Bees where doing there thing!DSCN2299.JPG
Liberty are starting to pop on these grafts!DSCN2304.JPG
Siberian crabDSCN2278.JPG
2nd leaf Liberty, Enterprise, Initial and Galarina and a wild apple on one end of a small plot.


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CouDSCN2310.JPG ple of Macs
Some Macs that are just starting to open in the Tall Spindle orchard. DSCN2269.JPG
Honey Bee buzzing some Gala's.DSCN2297.JPG
George-What can you tell us about apple size and drop time of that Siberian crab? Can you put drop time as following or right before some other common apple for us in a different climate?

I see lots of different things called Siberian crab.
These are small apples, I just have them around the orchards for pollinating mostly. Turkeys eat them and I'm sure deer do, but that's not why I planted them.
Wow!! Looks great & nice photo's...:) I really like your water catchment. How did you plum the irrigation line - Are you using a drip line. I have a similar tank and was thinking of pumping water from a pond with a gas powered pump to fill the tank and then letting gravity feed an irrigation system - but I much prefer your system, nice job!...;)
Wow!! Looks great & nice photo's...:) I really like your water catchment. How did you plum the irrigation line - Are you using a drip line. I have a similar tank and was thinking of pumping water from a pond with a gas powered pump to fill the tank and then letting gravity feed an irrigation system - but I much prefer your system, nice job!...;)
Thanks, right now I will just be running hoses. I will do drip lines but it needs to have good filtration or it will clog the emitters. Some day as money permits.
Great photos Maya,

Some of the wild crabs I see near my work popped yesterday. Headed to my camp tomorrow to check things out.
Ya, that was it here too NH. Most everything seem to have popped yesterday.
They were calling for 1-2" here, we got a 1/2". That was more than enough. I'm real glad the wind wasn't bad.