9 acre clearcut. What now?

That forester already emailed me back. I do like the kid!

He came down on the side of leaving it alone for about 2 years to see what’s going to happen. Go ahead and plant the apples.

In 2 years if I’m not liking what I’m seeing I can start over mechanically or via chemicals. He thought the chemical route might be pretty (too?) expensive at this scale and he thought fire would be fine, but said timing and conditions in my area make it really, really, tough. ***but he did seem to like the idea that I already have it surrounded by a 12’ maintained trail as it relates to a burn.

An alternative he offered, albeit more labor intensive, is to select 50 yard wide strips throughout the 9 acres and set those back by hand every 2 or 3 years. He said these smaller pockets of constant regeneration are pretty beneficial and don’t necessarily require major equipment.
Mine in central PA grew back in mostly black birch, which isn't very desirable but now after 6 years, it's thick. The few remaining hemlock are typically all doe bedding locations. I wish I'd have made and maintained trails through it directing the deer to the plots past stands and planted some clumps of evergreens where I wanted the deer to bed. I'm still going to try it but I'll have to clear areas now because the birch are 20 feet tall. If you want it to be bedding and just leave it go, I'd suggest planting a few patches of evergreens throughout. Just make sure you cage them all.
Awesome! Those are going in my book for next spring. CR’s are my favorite…..I have a 4 year old on my little orchard in the yard right now!

FWIW, I sent a version of this discussion / questions and pics to my local forester. Neat young guy who I’ve gotten to know over the last few years. He’s a hunter and has been on my property a couple times now….. Really curious to see what he says too.

I don’t hate the idea of just basically letting it do it’s thing for the next 15 years, but I’m retiring before too long and I might need / want projects?

Want to hear my big idea for retirement relating to this? I want to buy a kick ass hi-flow skid steer with a forestry mulching head on it…then use it on my own land and do work for locals enough times a year to pay for it. Haven’t discussed with the CFO yet😂😂😂
As Dr Phil would say "How's that workin for ya?"

keep us posted

I will Bill….this one is gonna be a bit trickier than most. It’s not like a new machine can just show up in my shed like guns do in my safe😂😂

Howbout’s pic of his machine shed a few months ago is still stuck in my head like it’s super glued there. I don’t think my retirement can be truly fulfilling without a skid and mini ex in MY shed.
I will Bill….this one is gonna be a bit trickier than most. It’s not like a new machine can just show up in my shed like guns do in my safe😂😂

Howbout’s pic of his machine shed a few months ago is still stuck in my head like it’s super glued there. I don’t think my retirement can be truly fulfilling without a skid and mini ex in MY shed.

That pic was some serious equipment porn

I think i'd just manage the regen by spraying the ironwood, buckthorn, and maple regen for a while and see what happens. Basswood sprouts are supposedly a high preference browse.

Schuette's and pin oaks, ROD, arrowood viburnum, and white cedar would be some other species that would be tempting to plant.