7 years later..its coming together

Looks good so far.
I get a good laugh when my friends ask if I have apples this year. I'm hoping when my kid graduates HS we can pick apples - 5 years from now.

It's a long game and it sure tries one's patience at times. I hope it's worth it. :)
Jeff-please let me know what drop time is for those whitney's. I just grafted some this spring. I saw one whitney drop in late July during an early spring year.
Are those other trees wild trees or something you planted?
Any wild crab apples on your place?
Those trees look good Jeff, Congrats!
Were you able to get any of that buttonbush to take?
Next time I will make sure I take better care of the cuttings I'll try to get them at a better time, not sure if that was really the best time to be taking cuttings.
Will do Art on the Whitney drop date. Tasty little buggers. Not sure if I will be fermenting these or letting the deer have them :)
The ones pictured were planted (grafted and mostly standard root stock). Unknown, because I was lazy and stupid to not tag the trees for identification. A lot of them were planted before I knew anything about fruit trees pre QDMA forum lurking days. Fall clearance stuff mostly from a tree nursery about 15 miles from my place .
Lots of Dolgos. Some very large wild ones, grafted, and some transplanted by me. Morse Nursery (can't think of the name, "Bunches of something", red and yellow). And Chestnut crabs
I have bunches red and bunches yellow from morse. chestnut, also.

You are talking about fermenting them. Do you have a cider press?
I just found an article where a guy made "press" shredder out of an old top loading washing machine. There are also some other homemade gadgets.
Just got back for a shower and a night rest in air conditioning then back up to the place and maybe hang another set:rolleyes:. I saw something tonight that I have never seen in the 16 years of ownership of the land. A thirty acre bean field that borders my land had double digit adult deer feeding in it tonight. My property boarders the entire south side of said bean field with some pretty good habitat. Now if only I was smart enough to set up and put one of those bruisers on the ground:) Sure motivates a guy to keep pushing in this heat.
That's the way things should be.
I hope this does not mean a return to 5 doe tags.