6 pointer on the hit list


5 year old buck +
This 6 pointer has been hanging around my farm and he is not getting any bigger. Matter of fact he was a 7 last year?

He's on the list....it would be our (boys or I) first big 6.6 -pointer.jpg
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That would make an awesome mount. Big 6s are almost like a non-typical.
Definitely mount it if we shoot him!
I love big 6's. Think I'd rather have a 120" 6 pointer than a 150" 10 pointer :)
I agree 100 %.
Nope. Already got the 150" 10...never seen, much less harvested a 120" 6
I haven't killed either....... However I'll take the 150" 10 pointer first!:D
I think of all those poor guys in SE MN who have to pass deer like this each fall because of APR. Thousands of them. Breeding and ruining the genetics.
I think of all those poor guys in SE MN who have to pass deer like this each fall because of APR. Thousands of them. Breeding and ruining the genetics.

I thought of that. If he grows that 4th point though he would have been legal?? Correct?

He's 4 years old now.
^^He would be legal to cross tag I believe. I often hire a spotter to judge tine length when afield. He drinks tea. Black tea.

No worries.
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Nice Buck!!! Love big mature 6's but not as much as 10's. Some of u are crazy lol

I bow killed this big 5 yr old six a few yrs ago on my dads farm. He was king of the plot and super aggressive! Have some on the hoof pics somewhere. I will look. My dad had several close encounters with him rifle hunting. He was a smart oL Buck
I am just happy to have a few shooters on my farm in MN. It's been a struggle that past two years
thats a super cool deer! i hope we get to see some grip and grin hero shots of him this fall!

i love big 6's and 7's for that matter....they just arent that common and i find them very cool. I shot a 6 point last fall...not a really big one, but certainly bigger than most. When i lived in suburbia i knew of a beast of a 6 pt. he was a mainframe 6 with matching coat hooks off of his 2's and really gnarly bases with scorable points. He was super heavy, had very long beams and tines and was at least 20" inside. he looked like a 50 gallon drum with short pegs for legs...he dwarfed every deer in the area. A friend of mine had 3 years worth of sheds from him, his biggest and last set taped out to about 135" gross. I think he 9 or 10 scorable points, but he was a mainframe 6...super cool buck!
U guys think it makes 120? I don't c it
U guys think it makes 120? I don't c it
I don't see anyone saying specifically the buck in the pic is 120". Just that a 120" 6 pt is something special....and some would even rather a 120" 6 over a 150" 10. Semantics I suppose.
U guys think it makes 120? I don't c it

I doubt he will score 120?

It doesn't really matter to me
Kill him. I passed a mature 6 three years ago at 6 steps and can't say I don't regret it. Could have kept hunting with Arts tag. Make the antlers into a Kayak rack for the dock. I put him at 98. But I don't even know how many mass measures a 6 gets.
I've got a whole bunch of unused old tags. You have to see a deer to use them.
Six or seven pointer?

1945, Cass County, Mn. IMG_8125 2.jpg
I've got a whole bunch of unused old tags. You have to see a deer to use them.

Not true Art. Lots of deer die in MN when the license holder is sleeping 200 miles away.