24DB and Cleth at Same Time?

Basagran will kill Sedge but not clover. The Raptor (named brand Imox) label recommends 8-16 oz/acre of Basagran with Raptor on clover
I love imox early in year. Late it will affect his ability to overseed with wheat. I’ve never used basagran. Gonna look that one up!
Basagran will kill Sedge but not clover. The Raptor (named brand Imox) label recommends 8-16 oz/acre of Basagran with Raptor on clover
Yes it will and gly or liberty will only kill the sedge that is green on top. The roots and rhizome will laugh it off and it grows right back.
I have been having real good luck using Nitro Surf with my Cleth and 2,4-db.
Gly will not get rid of yellow nutsedge around here, or it won't for me
Amazon has a pint of Basagran shipped for $27. That's enough for 1-2 acres. Might be worth a shot.

Southern Ag Broadloom Sedge Control (Pint - 16oz) https://a.co/d/gGJnQGy
I believe the application rate is 1-2 pints per acre. Still not a bad deal.
I believe the application rate is 1-2 pints per acre. Still not a bad deal.
I'm not sure if something happens when mixed with the Imox. As per my previous post, the Raptor label says 8-16 oz of Basagran mixed for sedge on clover