LOL, Fishing Coyote... mescaline is a hallucinogenic drug derived from some cactus species. Mesclun is the salad green mix.Right now we’re growing a mescaline(sp) mix in the living room for some fresh greens in another week or so. Once the weather breaks we’ll put some more outside and will be growing black seeded simpson this year also. My dad grew the BSS last season and it turned out really well for him. Hopefully it does well for us also
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Jeez, I can't even begin to list what all I bought seeds of for this year... though buying vegetable seeds and actually growing them are two different pursuits.
Last year I planted 40 tomatoes... will be cutting back a bit... Big Beef, Heidi, and Opalka will be the main ones. probably a cherry tomato or two for the wife. If I can find a 'Garden Gem' plant at a nursery, I'll probably get a couple... have been growing that one as a cooperator in UofFL trials. It's great!
Planted 99 peppers last year... will probably do a similar number this time... wish I'd pulled and overwintered more to get an early start on production. Trying several new ones this year ... Elephant Ear, Kapiya, couple of newer no-heat habanero selections.
Trialing several different pole beans this time, Alabama #1, Aunt Mary's Meat, a couple of 'greasy' bean selections.
Have several shell bean varieties that I've not grown before, but will also be planting a white marrowfat bean again... really like that one.
Cowpeas are my fave... trying a couple more black-seeded varieties, a whippoorwill selection, and again planting Piggot and Iron & Clay.
Watermelons and squash were a bust last year... but will be planting Crimson Sweet, Ledmon, and Wibb (reddest flesh I've seen, as it has the 'crimson' gene) watermelons. Have an assortment of butternut-type winter squash to trial. Burgess Buttercup is our preferred winter squash, but I'm always looking for another good one. Caserta is hard to beat as a productive zucchini.
Have seeds for 3 different okras - Heavy Hitter, Jing Orange, Granny Franklin... have grown them all before, and they're my top picks.
Will be growing a couple of Roselle selections again, and hoping that the deer don't hammer them like they did last year.
Sweet Potatoes... have a purple one I got from my son 3 or 4 years ago that's been incredibly productive, a white one (it's either Nancy Hall, Triumph, or Southern Queen), and a couple of orange-fleshed ones.
For fall planting (and I'll do a few this spring, but it gets hot early and they bolt), I've got some breeding grex samples of collards, rutabagas, and kale. A buddy sent me some Brussels Sprouts seeds to try, as well.
Don't usually plant corn, as the coons usually harvest it the night before I'm ready to, and we have some big-time farmer friends who plant 'Incredible' sweet corn and always have plenty to share. Grew some Japanese Striped flint cornlast year as something for Turkey Craw pole beans to run on. Friend sent some Hickory King and a blue corn... guess I'll plant a little of those. this time out.