2022 Archery Bucks


5 year old buck +
Passed on a couple nice bucks this season, just not quite mature enough. Was fortunate to get on this buck December 1st. 17 degree crisp morning, 25 yards broadside.
My son Jake shot his buck November 7th, second time on stand. Praise the Lord for another great season!image_67516417.JPG20221107_193637.jpg
Note to JBird: This is Jake's 4th buck from the same pond stand in 7 seasons.
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WOW - those are two great bucks!! Congrats GH, to you and your son!!
Awesome bucks .. congrats !!
Excellent! Congrats.
Holy Brow tines batman!
You guys sure get on some good ones! Sounds like you have next years crop walking around too. Well done!