2014 Grafting Adventures of CrazyED

Grey - I read somewhere that if grafts form blossoms, they should be pinched off to stimulate more leaf & leader growth upward. Can't remember where I read it though. I pinched the blossoms off the 2 of my grafts that formed them. Leaves are cooking now. FWIW.
Here's a pristine I grafted a month ago.

Matt is that a bad thing to have a graft flowering, seems crazy that it would!
Is g30 a good idea for a home orchard in beach sand, cuz thats what I have, lol.
It's a good thing if it's the only bud that is broken lol. I have 2 grafts that have nothing bud flower buds and I let my others one go as well just to see what happens. You can pinch them off at anytime
Ed, have you been pinching off the rootstock growth or are your rootstock just not leafing out yet? They seem pretty clean in your pictures.
Pinch off the rootstock growth but you can always leave something to keep the rootstock going in case of scion failure. I keep mine very clean and if I have goo scion growth I pinch off all root growth
Ed, have you been pinching off the rootstock growth or are your rootstock just not leafing out yet? They seem pretty clean in your pictures.

Pinched off a few tonight that were about 1" long. For the most part they haven't moved much yet so i havent had much to remove yet. But with the warmer weather things should really start to take off.
Are you going to share your excel table with growth to date?

I haven't measured growth on mine yet. 38/42 grafts took. 25 of the 38 are doing well (+/- 2-6 inches growth). Some started strong and wilted suddenly. It's not great, but far better than last year.
Are you going to share your excel table with growth to date?

I haven't measured growth on mine yet. 38/42 grafts took. 25 of the 38 are doing well (+/- 2-6 inches growth). Some started strong and wilted suddenly. It's not great, but far better than last year.

No, I just don't have time and I have way too many trees now. With a dozen or so trees it was easy but now it would take forever.

I have told people in my opinion you don't know if a tree takes until 3-4 months after grafting. So I'm not surprised by your comment about the wilting.
I have told people in my opinion you don't know if a tree takes until 3-4 months after grafting. So I'm not surprised by your comment about the wilting.

No, I just don't have time and I have way too many trees now. With a dozen or so trees it was easy but now it would take forever.

I have told people in my opinion you don't know if a tree takes until 3-4 months after grafting. So I'm not surprised by your comment about the wilting.
Alleluia. I was wondering when that record keeping would get to you lol. I was psyched with all the graft success now I am dying planting them all and caging them all 7 or so per week. Why did I do so many lol
Very nice Ed, wish I had that look to most of mine. :)
Very nice Ed, wish I had that look to most of mine. :)
I have plenty of grafts that didn't take, no point in photographing those. I will tbud in August like I have in the past, and I'll get more to take. It takes time, but each tree will get its turn. I am happy to report a bunch of the new varieties that I tried, for the most part I got 1 of each looking good. More diversity is what I'm after. Plus I can't plant 200 trees at the farm at once, so this helps spread it out a bit.
Amen to that Matt!!!!
Sad tale, one of my successful grafts was hit with an over spray of gly. Dead, ever want to to kick yourself in the nuts? Do that....
Sad tale, one of my successful grafts was hit with an over spray of gly. Dead, ever want to to kick yourself in the nuts? Do that....
Bummer. Oh well, hopefully you learned your lesson and dont do that again. And it's a good excuse to graft more next year. If you dont have an excuse for next year :)
Bummer. Oh well, hopefully you learned your lesson and dont do that again. And it's a good excuse to graft more next year. If you dont have an excuse for next year :)

I like where your heads at CE. You think Dipper would look to get a refund from the gly company on the account of the applicators stupidity?