2-4D Spraying


5 year old buck +
If I spray 2-4D, how long do I have to wait to plant Buckwheat?
I couldn't find an answer for you. I know there is a 7 day wait for soybeans.
Thx for the try. I wish some of these things were a lot easier to figure out. I’ll prob wait 3 weeks to be safe.
I did see a study that said some buckwheat growers were using light doses to control weeds in buckwheat with a only a little burn to the buckwheat. Although, I doubt that correlates to germination of buckwheat seed.
2 days wait per ounce is by the book, can push that a little depending on yearly moisture totals an soil OM levels.
I have read that 2-4 D is soil active for several months

Do you think this will affect buckwheat germination?

Depends a lot on the weather, your soil type, and organic matter content. Typically - everything average - i think the half life is three days. Half a dose (define the dose!) isn't enough to stop much of anything. The question was how long to wait to plant buckwheat? With a little bit of caution I'd say not at all. It's going to take 3-days to germinate, right? Or, spray, wait three days, plant and you'll be at least six days past any possible danger.
Thx for the help
If I spray 2-4D, how long do I have to wait to plant Buckwheat?

Buckwheat is not on the label. The label includes soybeans and it is different for Amine and Ester formulations. For Amine you need to wait 2 weeks, you don't till after spraying and you no-till soybean at a specific depth. I'm using 24D for marestail control this year followed by buckwheat. Buckwheat has a very wide planting window. It will germinate at a soil temp of 45 degrees but I find crops planted with soil temps less that 65 are pretty lethargic. The optimal soil temp is 80 degrees. 24D is more effective on marestail when it is small.

Given all this I very lightly tilled in early April and sprayed my 24D about April 20 here. The marestail was less than 3" at that point but I figured all that was going to germinate had. I did not spray gly at that point because I figured grasses and any weeds that survived would be competition for the marestail in the interim. My plan is to plant my buckwheat about May 20th. That will be a full month. I'll spray with gly at planting time. Buckwheat germinates fast enough if we get timely rain to take over the field quickly before the marestail can return.

I'll reevaluate in the fall. I could not find any hard data on how long to wait before planting buckwheat so this is the plan I formulated based on the soybean instructions. I'll be surface broadcasting buckwheat and packing it. I did use the Amine formulation. In the future, I'll probably use Ester. My soils should be at an ideal soil temp by late May.


Thx Jack