Recent content by TWalter91

  1. TWalter91

    Trees orders?

    Might have to start planting american chestnut again!!
  2. TWalter91

    Trees orders?

    It's definitely a disease! Not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I'm running out of room to plant lol Not unless I cut more trees down. Guess it's time to look for another property!
  3. TWalter91

    Trees orders?

    I know the feeling!! I originally only ordered a few trees from bluehill but now I'm up to 15. Thankfully thats about all I can fit in the box so I can't add anymore not unless I pay more for shipping. I'm staying away from any other tree nurseries website for this year. To tempting and I'm...
  4. TWalter91

    Trees orders?

    I have had great luck buying trees from home depot on sale in the late fall. I bought a couple wolf river trees a couple years ago and over wintered them. I think I paid around $10 each. Didn't know much about rootstock back then but they have grown great. I honestly won't buy another apple tree...
  5. TWalter91

    Starting Apples from Seed Indoors - How To

    Just planted a bunch of dolgo seeds using the milk jug method. Planted way later then what I wanted to so we will see what happens. Looks like winter is not leaving here anytime soon in mid Michigan. I have no garden at my house and have no desire to start one since we plan on moving within the...
  6. TWalter91

    Trees orders?
  7. TWalter91

    Trees orders?

    I ordered Candy crab,Winter crabarina,Big dog,sweet dog,chestnut crab,rustys favorite,sweet November, #5 crab, Kieffer pear,Sweet advent,Jackpot,Korean giant,Ayers, and Marble hill pear. All from bluehill. I have had very good luck with his trees. Man do these orders add up quick! I originally...
  8. TWalter91

    Grasshopper Invasion

    Good explanation. I never fully understood why not to fertlize late into the summer. Thanks for sharing!
  9. TWalter91

    Bluehill 2025

    I forgot about my candy crab. That's probably top 3-4 for me. Kerr and Turningpoint have been my slowest growers. Kerr needs some more trees cut down around it that I will get to this coming winter.
  10. TWalter91

    Bluehill 2025

    What's everyone's best growing apple/crab from bluehill? Mine have only been in the ground since April but peak attraction has been the best for me. Followed very closely by roadkill crab. Im in crappy sandy soil.
  11. TWalter91

    Bluehill 2025

    Drove up my property to take a quick look around and found a few more spots to plant along my food plots. So I emailed Ryan to add a few more pear trees. Over 90% of my trees are apple/crabs. Figured I should diversity more and add more pears. Will see how they do in Northern lower Michigan!
  12. TWalter91

    Redfield Apple/Crab Cross

    I have one that I planted 2 years ago. It's one of my best growing trees and has bloomed every year. I haven't had it planted long enough to know when it drops. Next year I will probably leave some fruit on it.
  13. TWalter91

    Bluehill 2025

    Same here! All of my bluehill trees were planted this spring. Haven't seen them in 5 weeks so I'm looking forward to seeing what they look like this weekend.
  14. TWalter91

    Bluehill 2025

    I'm pretty sure it's atleast 7ft This photo was from 2023. I ordered a bunch of small trees from him in 2024 so the box was a little shorter.
  15. TWalter91

    Bluehill 2025

    I am happy that his shipping charges came down! Atleast for me it did. Went down exactly $40.