Recent content by Troubles Trees

  1. Troubles Trees

    fishing reports

    Haven’t been on in awhile, life’s been busy! I have a friend with a camp on Skaneateles lake so we fish every weekend. He’s certified to teach scuba diving and has a few sets of tanks. What a trip that is 😜 Anyway, although that lake is well known for Lake Trout, it’s also one of the few...
  2. Troubles Trees

    My little slice of Heaven

    Haven’t been on in awhile, life is busy but I have done a lot of work on the hill. Didn’t plant much new this year, maybe 20 trees total, it’s raining and I haven’t taken much for pictures yet but this was my latest adventure. I bought a bunch of root ball makers and tried some on a Red...
  3. Troubles Trees

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    The Simpsons is like a crystal ball My State right now
  4. Troubles Trees

    If you could pick one state to retire in

    Awesome input everyone!! I’ve been digging through a bunch of stuff all week. Hearing all your opinions really helps put things into better perspective so thank you! There are so many things to consider like fishing and other various game to hunt. My major focus is on big whitetails in a state...
  5. Troubles Trees

    Iowa 25

    Great buck bud! 🎯
  6. Troubles Trees

    Electroculture gardening

    Atta boy SD! I’ve been following your trials and tribulations although I haven’t been on here much lately. It wouldn’t cost much to rig up one of the better systems on a garden or small orchard. The study claims a 40% boost in growth for plants in a field. Interesting enough to keep digging...
  7. Troubles Trees

    If you could pick one state to retire in

    Thank you all for the replies, and the condolences. 2023 was an all around rough year but I’m staying positive and looking forward to 2024 through a different lens. I have looked at Illinois but can’t do another Liberal State. MO I haven’t looked into much yet, but will definitely consider it...
  8. Troubles Trees

    Electroculture gardening

    I’ve found quite a few studies on it, most are on a larger scale though. I haven’t found much “science” wise to support smaller things like tree stakes kind of stuff. I’ll keep digging when I have time!
  9. Troubles Trees

    If you could pick one state to retire in

    NY has lost it’s mind and it’s getting closer to me hitting F’it and only working 1 more year and moving away from all this. The Safe Act is only getting more devastating to us gun owners! It’s madness! People don’t understand because you aren’t here living in the cesspool. Last summer I won...
  10. Troubles Trees

    Electroculture gardening

    It’s an interesting topic and worth a try at least on a small scale at first. Was hoping for more to respond to what they know about this. Interesting that Bees and pollen producing things have different electrical characteristics and when a flower is out of pollen it emits a different type...
  11. Troubles Trees

    Electroculture gardening

    Some of the systems can be if you’re covering a field or orchard. Some are as simple as wrapping 12ga electrical wire around 12” bamboo and sticking it in near your target. If anyone knows an electrician, scraps would do just fine for free. Figured it was a topic worth more discussion...
  12. Troubles Trees

    Electroculture gardening

    Anyone ever played around with electroculture? Interesting idea and has quite a bit of history to it. I stumbled across this last week when I saw some 12” “grounding stakes for trees” and have been poking around the topic. There are only a couple studies I found on it, most recent was 2012 and...
  13. Troubles Trees

    Full throttle rut

    Thanks everyone! 😊
  14. Troubles Trees

    Full throttle rut

    Day 2 of my 2 week vacation, long drive there and time change f’d me up a little, so it was just cracking light walking to my stand. I’m halfway through my ninja straddle between strands of an electric fence and the thick brush to my right (hardwoods on the left) explodes, I see a bunch of...
  15. Troubles Trees

    Live from the stand thread

    Great buck man! 🎯