Recent content by Redneck

  1. Redneck

    Persimmon scion

    I messaged them on Facebook and got a hold of them finally. I got my order placed. Thanks for the reply
  2. Redneck

    Persimmon scion

    Would anyone happen to have any of the following scions that they would want to sell? I have tried to email Englands several times since October and can’t get a response. I would offer to trade but all of my persimmon trees where just grafted this spring, I do have lots of different pears and...
  3. Redneck

    Seckel Pear

    I have 2 planted that are 5 years old and 20 foot tall. mine grow like weeds and have bloomed 2 years in a row with out any fruit. mine bloom early and I think late frost has gotten them every year. If it happens again this year I plan on grafting them over to a gate pear from the wildlife group.
  4. Redneck

    What are you planting 2019?

    My plantings keep getting smaller and smaller every year, this year I have **MDC 20 cypress trees 20 black walnut 20 Mixed hickory I have a place at home that gets bare root tees every year for $5 each I always get 20 or 30 trees from them and have had great success. Mayhaw Plums peaches apples...
  5. Redneck

    Deer stand from sawmill

    Here is a pic of the sawmill cutting some pine.
  6. Redneck

    Deer stand from sawmill

    I love the mill it has come in handy. I had a walk around video but it wouldn't let me load it. I will have to get inside pics when I get home. Thanks, I love the way the paint came out. wish I would have gone darker on the base color but it was discounted paint at Wal-Mart. If you own your own...
  7. Redneck

    Deer stand from sawmill

    I hope so, Thanks, I need to build a few more but it’s a lot for one person
  8. Redneck

    Another persimmon discussion

    I have Yates, Prok, and meader in mind I just need to find some scion wood. I would love to hear what everyone else has had success with as the only persimmon experience I have is with natives.
  9. Redneck

    Turkey Fan Mount Shadow Box

    Man that looks awesome, If I can ever drop a big one this will be on my list of things to build. Great job
  10. Redneck

    Deer stand from sawmill

    Here it is in its final location. Man is this thing heavy.
  11. Redneck

    Deer stand from sawmill

    I just wanted to share a stand I built for the hunting lease. I cut all the lumber on a woodland mills HM130 band saw mill. the frame is pine and everything else is yellow poplar. I used deer view windows and an old deer head I had laying around for decorations.
  12. Redneck

    Another persimmon discussion

    I will be grafting a lot of my native persimmon trees this spring and was wondering if I could get some input on non native persimmons that will drop their fruit, I read that most Asian varieties hold their fruits and will rot on the tree. I am just looking for some diversity in my persimmons...
  13. Redneck

    apple choice help

    Im from Waynesboro ms huntall nice to see some southern boys on here lol.
  14. Redneck

    Apple Seed Germination Question?

    I have grown apple and wild crab apple seeds for the past 2 years with 98% sucess. I wash my seed and wrap it in a damp paper towel. Stick that in a ziplock bag and place in the fridge. Check on them every few weeks for mold and radicals, when I see enough radicals for a tray I plant them in...