Recent content by MA VT Flatlander

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    Apples, If you were to pick just 3

    The ones I planted in 2011 are B118 rootstock, I bought them from MAYA he use to post a lot about apple trees on here.
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    Apples, If you were to pick just 3

    Liberty, enterprise ,Galarina , gives me apple drop from September to end of December in W.Massachusetts.
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    Any feedback on Galarina or empire?

    I have 5 Galarina trees apples were still hanging for our December gun season. I had to knock them off so deer could eat them. The trees grow fast and always produce a large crop of apples. They are on 118 rootstock. Zone 5 Massachusetts.
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    Is a woodstove worth it?

    Bowsnbucks How many cords of wood do you burn per year?
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    Nocturnal 10 PT.

    I have been hunting this buck since our bow season has opened October 16. Nov. 4th he showed up in my food plot in the last few min. of shooting light. I missed him clean. He showed up in my orchard Nov 15th, by the time he got in bow range 20yd. it was too dark to shoot. Have not seen him...
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    So who still has apples hanging

    I have Enterprise and Galarina still hanging. The hard freeze last week turned them into mush.
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    VT Sugarbeet Experiment 2017

    I have property in Chelsea, Orange county VT. I might have to try sugar beet's. What part of Vermont are you in?
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    VT Sugarbeet Experiment 2017

    Nice plot. Are you in Vermont ?
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    Any target archers on here?

    What kind of target archery are you looking to get into?
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    what ticks can do

    4Wanderingeyes did you ever get the Lyme test done?
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    what ticks can do

    I was diagnosed with Lyme and co infection Bartonella . Test was done by IgeneX, Inc. in Palo Alto,CA
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    what ticks can do