Recent content by bigbendmarine

  1. bigbendmarine

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Nope. If we'd both sworn each other to secrecy guess we theoretically could have... BUT... FL law doesn't smile on handling/removal of any Indian artifacts from state waters -- 3rd degree felon charge if caught and wasn't that long ago the state ran a sting and arrested/charged more than a...
  2. bigbendmarine

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Might should share reason I spotted the dugout was the old line, "Nature abhors a straight line" hitting my brain within a second of eyeballing the two parallel sides of the dugout as we raced by it. 👍
  3. bigbendmarine

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Dugout canoe. The above pictured shared, one we found was quite a bit narrower as are many others that are discovered. Definitely not an option for many heavier/wider folks today. One particular lake in FL has had over 100 appear during droughts. Video speaks to that spot and also shows one...
  4. bigbendmarine

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    If you haven't yet visited it's a good place to research / learn different points. May have been a spear point, but also could have been used as a knife or scraper. 👍
  5. bigbendmarine

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Shared this few years back in my "Florida Destiny" land tour thread, but this is DEFINITELY my LARGEST historic find to date. Noticed it out of the corner of my eye as a buddy and I were in his mud motor boat flying along a nearby crystal clear spring fed river. QUICKLY got him to stop and...
  6. bigbendmarine

    Uncatagorized.....things we see....

    Not too far from my place, Bill. Get that close again with any free time, let me know. Be happy to put you on some fish and/or tour of my place and some interesting area sights. 👍
  7. bigbendmarine

    Wood burner in a blind.

    Guessing may depend on how often the deer smell smoke/fires? Living in a rural county in Florida with no trash pick-up, I burn paper trash several times a week year-round and living close to the center of my 100+ acre property with about 60 wooded acres burn fallen limbs very regularly as well...
  8. bigbendmarine

    My Florida Destiny

    Run of really tough luck the past year and a half has made my shares minimal. Three hurricane hits (Idalia, Debby, and Helene), a fairly strong tornado as Florida, goes, loss of Mother-In-Law to dementia and cancer, then just 7 days later Sister-In-Law to cancer as well... then tons of cutting...
  9. bigbendmarine

    Limbo Challenge - Animal Edition

    Video speaks to making lemonade when life gives you lemons. Just over a year ago Hurricane Idalia knocked down multiple trees on my place, with one tree downed along a game trail where I've had cameras placed for over a decade. I then had over 100 more trees downed by a tornado in May this...
  10. bigbendmarine

    Some Camera Card Pulls Just HIT HARDER!

    May have been, Kdog... not sure exactly where the line went after passing by us but do know the date we got hit was May 10th. We got hit on the 3rd or 4th day of a big storm line pushing eastward from the central US, having spun lots of tornadoes earlier in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, and...
  11. bigbendmarine

    Some type of worms?

    Looks like this slug is in Minnesota... maybe the culprit?
  12. bigbendmarine

    Some type of worms?

    No other immediate ideas, but few questions that may help others ID... 1) Were they on top of leaf litter in woods / not actually in worked soil? 2) Since not segmented, sounds like they were smooth... were they also slimy like earthworms or drier looking? 3) Did they look like they could be...
  13. bigbendmarine

    Some type of worms?

    Might be way off base, but without pictures almost sounds like it could be click beetle larvae/ wireworms though don't think they get 4 inches long.
  14. bigbendmarine

    Uncatagorized.....things we see....

    And WAY more than looks practical for a boat that sized. I run a 22' Panga in the gulf near my place in Florida out as far as 20 miles offshore (or at least used to regularly before I got too busy), and only have a single 90hp on it. I get speeds up to 35mph out of my setup. Funny thing is I...
  15. bigbendmarine

    Smoky Mountain Getaway

    On a habitat note, found some wild juneberries (service berries) growing really close to our cabin.... pictures are in the video around the 5 minute 50 second mark. REALLY jealous of any of y'all who have them as they sure are tasty and ones we found were growing on a big enough shrub that it...