Recent content by Adittmer

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    best chainsaw for habitat work

    Stihl has a 2 year warranty if you buy there two stroke oil at time of purchase. Echo doesn’t make a pro saw FYI they make home owner saws! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    best chainsaw for habitat work

    Buy the 261 stihl. Best all round saw they make. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Take a walk with me through the prairie

    Those pictures are absolutely amazing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New barn

    Haha this is what I wanted to say but felt like I was holding a gun to his head, again I 100% agree with the above and would get a combo boiler and run all hot water & have it in the whole building. I’d fire the shit out of that contractor and find another one! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New barn

    That guys on crack, I paid $1,400 for the tubes installed and $5,800 for a Bosch 151k btu combi boiler installed. That boiler will run our entire barn in northern Wisconsin. 36x72’ with 18ft side walls. I’d get another bid or buy the tubes and run them yourself it’s not very hard. Good luck with...
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    New barn

    Just curious how much did a bid for 600sf of pex cost? We did our 900sf for $1400 that was 5- 300ft loops and that included the manifolds Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New barn

    Don’t pour concrete without pex in the floor. It it literally the best thing and totally worth it. Also your combi boilers will heat your domestic water saving space and another appliance ie a water heater. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    It’s funny you mentioned this, we live in Wisconsin just outside the twin cities and our cabin is in Sawyer county wi east of Hayward wi. A buddy sent me a letter that the county posted online asking for anyone who’s not from the area not to head to there cabins to shelter because of the lack of...
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    Who's working in the woods this weekend?

    Took the weekend to clear some trees around our cabin to make for a larger yard before we get our septic system & well installed this summer. Left a giant mess of logs and brush for next time. Also took the family out to another smaller property we own to scout and shed hunt. Sent from my...
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    New truck when to buy

    No not as far as I know, the hold back amount is listed on the invoice and it’s up to the sales manager to keep or let go how much they want to on each deal but most of it’s given back to have the cheapest price etc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New truck when to buy

    Invoice less rebates wouldn’t be someone’s best deal, behind invoice amount is a figure called holdback, it’s dealers profit but most aggressive dealers give that up or the next store 5 miles in any direction will and boom you just lost a sale for $50 difference, you need to take pricing...
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    New truck when to buy

    I have been working for gm for the last 17 years in sales, try and narrow down what type of truck your looking for model and option wise then look online for the best deal, don’t look in smaller towns because they can’t compete with the larger stores etc. once you find the few cheapest deals at...
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    Garage/Pole Barn Tax Question

    The reality is you only live once and life’s short! Build what u like a don’t worry about the rest enjoy it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Garage/Pole Barn Tax Question

    We build our 36x72’ with 17’ tall side walls 11 windows 4 doors , gutters and perma columns for 51k. Walters building with 2ft overhangs & wainscoting. And a 12x24 porch. Not sure how a 32x40 could be anywhere near 40k. Ours was built in 2017 in Northern Wisconsin Sent from my iPhone using...
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    Pole Barn Vs Stick Garage/Shop

    I know people are going to stroke out about this but I did the unthinkable lol and hung it with no finish to let it age & patina by itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk