Zone 3 Apple tree recommendations for deer

Grey do you know how quick to bear g969 is?

Everything I've read about G969 says it is more precocious than M7. My guess would be in 3 to 4 years with proper care. Next spring will be my first year to use this rootstock so time will tell.
Here are a few notes from a meeting Lee and I attended in Staples, Minnesota.

Duchess and Parkland appear to be zone 2 apples. Sweet Tango appears to be one of the hardiest apples to come out of Mn. in years.

One half of Honeycrisp on Ant. died back to snowline that were planted spring of 2013.

Mantet and Norland did well for one producer from central Minnesota after this last winter. Cortland, fireside, Connell red, and keepsake died.

Two Jonagold lived at the Staples CLC facility. 2/3 Hazen died. (Mine lived) Haralson, Red baron, Sweet sixteen at Staples had some winter injury.

People are trying some pears. Im ready to give up on my two trees.
I have to look up mantet art never heard of that one until the gentleman was talking about it
Notes I took down from yesterday

Sweet sixteen not hardy for this area
Lots of Columbia stock in this area
Trees that hold there levees are at increases risk of winter I jury.
Hates m7
Sweet tango coldest hardy since chestnut crab
Deer cause winter injury by eating branches .
Wood chips mice don't like

No hay or straw for mulch
Lots of discussion on honey crisp
Bur & Lee - What are the wood chips that mice don't like? That would be good to know.
Wood chips in general seem to deter mice, hay on the other hand invite them
Here are a few notes from a meeting Lee and I attended in Staples, Minnesota.

Duchess and Parkland appear to be zone 2 apples. Sweet Tango appears to be one of the hardiest apples to come out of Mn. in years.

One half of Honeycrisp on Ant. died back to snowline that were planted spring of 2013.

Mantet and Norland did well for one producer from central Minnesota after this last winter. Cortland, fireside, Connell red, and keepsake died.

Two Jonagold lived at the Staples CLC facility. 2/3 Hazen died. (Mine lived) Haralson, Red baron, Sweet sixteen at Staples had some winter injury.

People are trying some pears. Im ready to give up on my two trees.
Sweet tango!!!! I have never herd of this apple before two weeks ago. They had them on sale at the grocery store. My kids and I have eaten 3 bags since then. The are the best apple I have had, better than a honey crisp for 1/3 the price.
Sweet tango is a cross between honey crisp and zestar, the university of Minnesota has a major lockdown on this variety, it's under patent protection for the foreseeable future, only certain growers are allowed, and they make you sign a contract more enforcing than a Monsanto agreement. But the way it sounds the major grower for the trees is dropping them cause of the lack of demand
:(From my limited internet research we will only have to wait till 2028 before we can get our hands sweet tango
I would love to get my hands on a SweeTango, too bad it won't happen for a loooong time. Tried one for the first time a week ago and it is by far the best apple I have ever tasted.
It's a kindly gesture to help out a grower with winter pruning chores, Stu. ;):D
They grow oodles of the SweeTango apple in the orchards right across the river from me in La Crescent, MN. They have been a featured apple at the La Crescent Applefest celebration in Sept. since they started growing them.
Did you look at their pears?
I have had people recommend Norland and Norkent.
I could get some Norland scion from a friend in Little Falls.

Take a read of Lois’ posts.

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New apple news from u of m new Honeycrisp X liberty cross released , very disease resistant honeycrisp quality should be an easy grower for deer low spray ,, Not a contract apple will be sold to anyone being released as ( Triumph ) will be ready by spring 2022 , they also released a pear cross that is fully hardy thru zone 4 or maybe zone3 named ( Juicy Jewel ) we have fruited it for 4 years now ripen mid to late aug very sweet crisp fruit at picking ,, for more info co to U OF M hardy website

Lots of old talk about (sweetango) the tree will be off patent 2028 and will be marketed as Minneska as the term sweetango is the trademark for sweetango fruit only and cannot use that name when referencing the tree itself
Any idea how to go about getting that Honeycrisp x Liberty tree? I was going to plant a Honeycrisp next spring just because I enjoy them so much, but this cross sounds really interesting.
Any idea how to go about getting that Honeycrisp x Liberty tree? I was going to plant a Honeycrisp next spring just because I enjoy them so much, but this cross sounds really interesting.
Please search Triumph apple first post up will be mn hardy u of m , they list off all licensed propagators for single trees i see cumming hursery is listed