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You know, if i wasnt being told differently every day by the drive by media I would have to think the shots don't work.....
Waiting to see the long term effects from people getting the jab 2 or 3 times every year.
Wifes boss got her booster on monday. Now her arm has broken out in a painful spreading rash.
Nothing to see here folks
Looks like India (1.3 billion people) is pretty much done with corona... They gave their population Ivermectin.... Team science please come and tell me how I'm wrong. Meanwhile all the shithole western countries are exploding with corona. The "vaccine" is a fcking joke.

Follow the money $$$$ doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on with the vaccine mandate any bets on wether Creepy Uncle Joe, Fauci and I lot of the Washington elites are receiving money in all sorts of underhanded ways difficult to track to keep this money train rolling. And that’s giving them the benefit of the doubt on their motives. I know without a doubt if I where a communist and wished to completely destroy a capitalist free world this would absolutely be my method of choice on how to accomplish it. Get the sheeple accustomed to doing whatever silly BS the government tells them to do in the name of the public good.
Looks like India (1.3 billion people) is pretty much done with corona... They gave their population Ivermectin.... Team science please come and tell me how I'm wrong. Meanwhile all the shithole western countries are exploding with corona. The "vaccine" is a fcking joke.

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Covid is here to stay, the number of cases will depend mostly on the regional weather. It appears that in this country, cases start to spike when the weather gets nasty, hot or cold. The southern states were hit hard over the summer because people went inside to beat the heat, and now the trend in those areas is reversing because it’s nicer outside. You can see the opposite in the northern states which had fewer cases during the summer with spikes in cases now that its getting nippy out. The vaccine offers little protection against actually contracting covid, but does decrease chances of mortality and morbidity (death and need for hospitalization), so it makes sense for the high risk and elderly. Natural immunity offers longer lasting protection, and makes more sense for the young and healthy. Our “experts” understood how our immune system worked until they realized how much money and power they could milk from us. And we’re letting it happen.

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but does decrease chances of mortality and morbidity (death and need for hospitalization), so it makes sense for the high risk and elderly.

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Is there proof of this? How is one to know that for sure? Is the less deaths from a weaker strain? Which the Delta variant is suppose to be weaker, or because the shot made people fight it better?
Is the proof from the government, or the drug supplying companies that are making bank on this?

Its funny that once people are done getting their shots, and the drug companies arent making a ton of money anymore, the drug companies require a booster, so they can sell more, and make more money.
I just can’t believe how far the madness goes.

I just can’t believe how far the madness goes.

Better wear a condom too. Cant be too careful these days.
I think the vaccine does something. I’m in favor of vaccinations for those who have conditions that could mean that rona is death for. One of my older brothers would probably not survive it. He got vaxed, his wife didn’t, she got it and it was on the bad side. He cared for her and didn’t catch it. So?

I started with “I think the vaccine does something”, I’ll end with, I don’t think we know everything it does.
That’s why I’m in favor of personal choice not mandates.
Look at some of the pictures in this article. Wonder why none of this is included in our programming?

The pushback against totalitarianism is spreading across Europe. Usually, "Europeans generally are more compliant than Americans when it comes to government orders. But even there, citizens are protesting governments seizing power in the name of public health," said American Thinker's Thomas Lifson.

People of the world are awakening to government tyranny plundering their life and liberties as the Davos Man, the world's elites, and their political puppet officials are becoming more unfavorable than ever. The increasing discontent among citizens and their respective governments is dangerous - this is how revolutions begin.
Thimk about that, Europeans who are used to government over reach and a certain amount of totalitarianism have had enough. Meanwhile, in America, a country built on individualism and freedom a huge amount of the population is fine with doing anything and everything that the obviously clueless and crooked leaders tell them to do. Its sad and maddening at the same time.

Laziness. People are too lazy to stick up for what's right--they want someone to do it for them! Doesn't mean the lazy won't keep bitching though.
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