Recent content by phil@thesidehill

  1. phil@thesidehill

    Coppice food?

    I have an area that I am trying to keep the deer from passing through. It’s all very low value timber. I used a combination of hinging and felling to create an impenetrable mess. I knew that I would inevitably encourage them to browse the edges, which is fine, I just don’t want them being able...
  2. phil@thesidehill

    Coppice food?

    It seems that most species of trees does not get browsed much in the early sapling stage, but that same species will get pounded if dropped (for firewood or whatever) after maturity. Something changes with the taste or nutrients. I suspect that a higher cut stump allows sprouts to get out of...
  3. phil@thesidehill

    Coppice food?

    I’ve been working on some TSI projects and black birch is one that I’ve been culling and controlling. I’ve been using hack and squirt and cut stump herbicide applications on them. They are not preferred browse and are very shade tolerant which is why they can form dense understory stands that...
  4. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    Come on up man!
  5. phil@thesidehill

    Another Forbe id

    Find some jewelweed (Imaptiens spp) to soothe the sting from stinging nettle and/or rashes from toxicodendron spp (poison ivy/oak)
  6. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    It’s only pulling half duty since I’ve been finishing on the This little Bradley is about 6 yrs old...and still going strong!
  7. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    Getting ready to come off the grill....
  8. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    Ready to move from the smoke to the grill. Gave each one a little splash of Yuengling as they hit the grill.
  9. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    These guys are in the smoker now...they’ll be coming out soon to finish on the gas grill. “Country style pork spare ribs” I made a Memphis style rub for them. Brown sugar Garlic powder Ground cumin Black pepper Kosher salt Paprika Chili powder Onion flakes Parsley If I were cooking for just me...
  10. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    Sweet Italian venison and pork sausage in hog casing....grilling them first then simmering in sauce.
  11. phil@thesidehill

    Terminating WR

    I’ve mowed early, I’ve mowed late and I’ve left standing...all scenarios resulted in a good stand of MRC planted with WR. What seeding rate of both clover and rye did you use in those cases? I think there are quite a number of variables at play on how that all plays out. It definitely is one of...
  12. phil@thesidehill

    Hinging beech trees?

    Yep...I just read an article the other day about how ferns impact regen. It had a striking fact 58% of land area in PA is forested, over 20% of those forested acres are fern dominated understory.
  13. phil@thesidehill

    Hinging beech trees?

    Tap....that is one of the control methods I’m looking at for ferns. My initial research was leading me down the path of liming, chemical applications and even mechanical means. I’m still diving into it, and I’m still thinking I’m going to have use a multitude of methods to achieve maximum...
  14. phil@thesidehill

    Hinging beech trees?

    Sure will...but it can take out a lot of other stuff I’d like to keep too. I’ve spent a lot of time walking and spraying ferns...still a lot more to go
  15. phil@thesidehill

    What's for dinner?

    Me too! I’m really diggin on the smoked wings too.