Wolves Attack Hunter

Big argument for carrying a side arm while bow hunting.
Friendship is fast becoming a "normal" wolf area, just like the northern half of Meadow Valley SWA and Necedah NWR.
Wolves, no deer, dead grouse dogs hurts northern wi land prices.

Dead Grouse Dogs? Where? When? I've heard about the bear hounds but not any grouse dogs.
Attacking a grown man is a big step. Crazy. I get dogs and maybe small kids. But this was a full grown man.
Bus stop food plot. I pray it never happens. Won't be surprised if it does.
A few years ago a bow hunter was trapped in his tree by a pack of 5 between Prey & City Point.
Bus stop food plot. I pray it never happens. Won't be surprised if it does.
Spooky thought SD, but a very real concern. I was one of those kids that waited at the end of a long driveway in the faint light of dawn for the school bus, and I grew up about 25 minutes across the Wisconsin River from where this took place.
A few years ago a bow hunter was trapped in his tree by a pack of 5 between Prey & City Point.
It's Pray(but you knew that;)), I love the analogy though! Good one!:D
When homeowners in Duluth get pets snatched right out of the front yard while they themselves are out there, it doesn't seem far off.

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It's Pray(but you knew that;)), I love the analogy though! Good one!:D
I figured someone would catch that.
When the first kid is attacked or killed.......we are gonna have a change in wolf policy. Getting close now.
When the first kid is attacked or killed.......we are gonna have a change in wolf policy. Getting close now.
Reactive instead of proactive. Familiar story

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Back in 2008 my dad was taking a lunch break and 4 wolves chased a couple deer through the front yard at 1:00 in the afternoon. Crazy stuff.

It seems like in the new expanded wolf range the wolves have nothing to be scared of. Not close to as many farmers as there used to be protecting livestock. Even in our area where there are a fair number of small beef farmers the wolves can cover a lot of ground before they run into resistance.
If I see a wolf in the woods and I'm armed....I'm not telling any story to anybody

Amen brother!!!!
They all look like coyotes to me. Fire away.
I'm going to be brutally honest. I know it's a one in a million but I'm thinking about carrying while bow hunting now. I know it's a knee jerk reaction. But Saturday morning I will be thinking about this i guarantee it.

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I'm going to be brutally honest. I know it's a one in a million but I'm thinking about carrying while bow hunting now. I know it's a knee jerk reaction. But Saturday morning I will be thinking about this i guarantee it.

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Go for it. You have my permission. :)
It is illegal to carry during bow hunting in NY. My buddy was up last weekend and I showed him some bear pictures. We got dressed to go out and was wearing his pistol. I asked him what he was doing, his response was he will gladly take the ticket but he is not walking in the dark with bears. I would say wolves, no freskin way I am walking in the dark with a bow.