Wolves Attack Hunter

Go for it. You have my permission. :)
We have wolfs in our area by the cabin. We have always kept the kids and dog close. I never felt weird alone in the dark. When I hear about a grown man getting attached that is new level for me.

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I've always felt a bit "weird" when walking through the woods alone in the dark :oops:
I do it all the time and I never get use to it. I have almost soiled myself a few times.
I was bear hunting alone when I was 14 and I would go out to the stand after school. The first night I sat there until I couldn't see anymore and when I climbed down and realized I did not have a flashlight. I was pretty nervous on that 1/4 mile walk out to the field edge, I was certain there were tons of bears and wolves just off the edge of the trail the whole time. Still had to walk a half mile back the house through the open field but wasn't too bad.
Honestly, when I bait bears, I'm more afraid of the BEES. Wolves on the other hand, I do not trust!!!
I typically carry my shotgun while bowhunting. It's for turkeys but I wouldn't hesitate to use it on a wolf if need be.
That's a lot to carry.

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I've always felt a bit "weird" when walking through the woods alone in the dark :oops:
I would feel more weird walking down some city streets in the dark. THERE I would want to be armed!

I always liked walking in the woods in the dark. As long as I knew the way to my stand.
I would feel more weird walking down some city streets in the dark. THERE I would want to be armed!

I always liked walking in the woods in the dark. As long as I knew the way to my stand.

I totally agree with this.

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I would feel more weird walking down some city streets in the dark. THERE I would want to be armed!

I always liked walking in the woods in the dark. As long as I knew the way to my stand.
I always have a problem with that. First time hunting my new land last weekend, plan was to follow a logging trail to a ladder stand. Well, there was multiple trails I took wrong one, it came to a sudden end. Long story short, first time on new land and I walked around in the dark for 45 minutes until it got light and I could see the beaver pond I was trying to find.
I would feel more weird walking down some city streets in the dark. THERE I would want to be armed!

I always liked walking in the woods in the dark. As long as I knew the way to my stand.
I always have a problem with that. First time hunting my new land last weekend, plan was to follow a logging trail to a ladder stand. Well, there was multiple trails I took wrong one, it came to a sudden end. Long story short, first time on new land and I walked around in the dark for 45 minutes until it got light and I could see the beaver pond I was trying to find.
wolves were never meant to have this much human interaction, that is why they leave people alone in less populated areas. eventually the interaction and competition for resources here is going to leave someone hurt or dead.
I have no faith in the story being true. Wolves been around along time and suddenly a whole pack is chasing a human?

Give me some history that says its legit-
Wait until you get mountain lions in your area. Talk about scared to walk in the dark with only a bow in your hands. Felt like something was watching me a few times when I was hunting in WY. Bears and wolves come at you from the ground, there is something VERRRRRYYYYYY unnerving about death from above!:eek: My brother has been stalked by them a couple times already, proof was in the tracks that were over the top of his fresh tracks as he was walking back to the truck.:eek:
I have no faith in the story being true. Wolves been around along time and suddenly a whole pack is chasing a human?

Give me some history that says its legit-
Honestly, it isn't that hard to believe. Wolves are wild animals and opportunistic feeders and will at least take a chance at the least threatening, most available prey they happen to wander across, especially if they are hungry. 4 winters ago, my wife and I had a pack of 4 or 5(never got a look at all of them at once) coyotes stalk us for over half a mile one late afternoon while out at the county park walking our beagle puppy. Those yotes were walking along on a few small islands out in the frozen Mississippi backwaters and ducking in and out of the brush and tall cattails to keep track of where we were as we were walking up the shoreline of the main island. I truly feel if it had been just the puppy and my wife they may have been a bit more aggressive. 2 humans and the fact that they had to cross about 70 yards of glare ice to get across to our side were about the only deterrents that kept them at bay.
Wait until you get mountain lions in your area. proof was in the tracks that were over the top of his fresh tracks as he was walking back to the truck.:eek:

I have that happen with deer? They are not trying to kill me. Or are they?
Honestly, it isn't that hard to believe. Wolves are wild animals and opportunistic feeders and will at least take a chance at the least threatening,

Looking for a verified wolf attack on a human.
There were no written records of wolf attacks on humans prior to the European colonization of the Americas, though the oral history of some Indigenous American tribes confirms that wolves occasionally did kill humans. The first fatal attack in the 21st century occurred in 2005, when a man was killed in Saskatchewan, Canada by wolves that had been habituated to humans,[42] while in 2010, a woman was killed whilst jogging near Chignik Lake in Alaska.[43]
Not sure. All I did was look at what has been recorded. Not much, they have recorded like 80 "aggressive" encounters since 1915. You are more likely to be stuck by an angry buck. In fact, more people are hurt by aggressive deer every year than all of the big predators combined.
I have that happen with deer? They are not trying to kill me. Or are they?
Numerous mountain lion attacks take place every year in the western states. Because it is flat here you think they won't use the same animal instinct that makes them react that way to humans in the mountains?