Wolf or Coyote?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Need help identifying this. Is this a wolf or coyote? Thoughts?

wolf 1 jan 30 2017.png

wolf 2 jan 30 2017.png
The muzzle in the first pic suggests coyote to me.
Coyote but, with snow on the ground you can easily tell by the size of the track what you're dealing with.
100% not a WOLD.. ;)
I don't live in wolf country but it looks like a coyote with a nice winter coat to me. Small nose and short stature.
Yup I don't live in wolf country either but it sure looks like a yote to me.
There is also a cross that has been documented. It started in Canada. I believe they call them Coywolves. They pronounce it "Quay-wolf".
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Coyote but, with snow on the ground you can easily tell by the size of the track what you're dealing with.

Unfortunately could not find a track that i could confirm that it was his. We have had a lot of warm weather and melting so I could not measure a track.

Pointy snout. I'd say yote.
Yep yote.
Here is a big one I had on cam a couple weeks ago.
