Where are you on spring preparation?

I am back up to about 3 feet of snow after last nights 10 inches. With the 10 day forecast of highs barely above freezing, and lows in the single digits.

Hope the french can be forgiven by the moderators, but truly my Floridian reaction to reading your share, 4wanderingeyes!

Might should add, your post kind of helps me appreciate the whole "snowbird" Florida migration thing a bit more... which reminds me of the joke about "yankees" vs "damn yankees" I'm guessing almost all have heard... difference between a "yankee" and a "damn yankee" is a "yankee" is a person visiting down our way from up north... a "damn yankee" is one who decides to stay! :emoji_wink:
With our temps 74 at the moment, guess I'm not going to get much sympathy for saying that it was a windy 54 this morning and as I went out to do some morning chores I rushed back in to grab a fleece jacket. #truestory
Grafting done except for 2 rootstocks I want to graft with a late-hanging apple near my camp. I only did a few this year. I grafted a couple Buckman crabs, and a couple " Art's Berry crabs - both from Sandbur ( Thanks Art !! ). Also did some Minnesota 1734. I got the Minn. 1734 scion from a tree at camp that had beautiful sized scion wood. Now for cool, dark callusing. Then in a few weeks, pot them and ease them to outdoors.
Hey buddy, doesn’t your spring start July 15, summer July 16, and winter July 17 :)

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I would like to say good joke but my pumpkins died from 36 degrees on July 28th a few years ago. I am hoping this global warming extends summer into August.
On the national weather a few mornings ago, they had a place near Chummer - Redfield, N.Y. - listed as having 368" of snow already this winter. More may still come !! ( See post #28 ).

We got an established plot frost-over-seeded with Alice white clover at camp. That should help to thicken the plot.
The place they measure is a mile down the road. The record is over 400" so I guess we are having a mild winter.
We're supposed to get 2" to 4" between tonight and late morning tomorrow. Sleet also mixing in.

Turn your fans on Bigbendmarine !!
This year is first on the new property. Food plot trail is turned over. Waiting on soul test results for that so I can get amendments in for fall planting. Bedding areas hinge cuts have been done for a month or so. Just gonna get it and clean en up a bit for whatever may have settled. Gonna do a final clean up of the trails to make sure nothing came down on em with these storms we’ve had. Mineral site was fired up yesterday. Ponds holding water (so far). Little more to do but nothing that requires a rush.
Hey buddy, doesn’t your spring start July 15, summer July 16, and winter July 17 :)

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I would like to say good joke but my pumpkins died from 36 degrees on July 28th a few years ago. I am hoping this global warming extends summer into August.


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Spring prep? We just got 3” of snow this morning!
We are suppose to get 6-8 inches more tonight and tomorrow. This is getting old.
Pruning is done and half my grafting. Should get my remaining 10 rootstock this week. Apple trees will start showing up in the next week, hoping I can get them in the ground in a timely fashion. The forecast isn't very promising. I do have some American Plum seedlings coming and 50 Norway Spruce plugs that should be no problem even with the crappy weather. I don't think I have ever been so ready for spring as I am this year, sick of the cold.
3" of snow here at home too. God knows what camp got.
5”-8” of snow coming tonight and tomorrow. With another 5” forecasted next Sunday.
No way to be sure, but I have some Lowes Pears that have been in the ground for years. They said semi dwarf, but all are standard easily over 20 feet at this point. I would bet a little money yours will be too. My friend bought some 5 years ago and his are clearly standard as well.

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I think you are right. I have a barlett from lowes at the farm. This will be its third yr since planted and it is 14ft+.
I know barlett has a bad reputation but it is the healthiest and most aggressive tree among my pears thus far.... Hope is continues
Today’s list of projects on hold again. 5” of snow fell last night.
I got my 6 crab apples planted saturday - in the windy mist/light rain.....but I got it done. Then we had a light snow flurry sunday night. So I should be done with my fruit trees. Still got 50 sawtooth oaks to get tubed and another 50 to 100 SWO to get direct seeded and caged.....
What a bunch of grumps. My 6 year old woke me up this morning to excitedly tell me there was enough snow to go sledding. I mean Sledding!!!

I told her to go back to bed.
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