Trailcam pics

In the past few days (since it got cold here) my trail cam pictures have ground to a halt. What's up with that?? Rifle season is a few days away.....and the deer have vanished? Same thing happened last year.
Same here Foggy. I’m second guessing everything I’m doing!! Stay the course and we will be rewarded, that’s my plan now.
Anybody have bucks bed in a a scrape?



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Anybody have bucks bed in a a scrape?



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Pure dominance.

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Every antler gets 4 mass measurements... you guys have bigger bucks than you think.
I thought about that after the fact. they're probably range from 3/4" to 1/4" at the tip.
Anybody have bucks bed in a a scrape?



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I just saw someone else post something like this on another site. I've seen them bed near scrapes but never in one.
I have seen this once. About 5 yrs ago, had a buddy who is an excellent bowhunter talk me into getting some Evercalm. He knew I wasn't a fan of using any types of scents, but he insisted, told me that deer had bedded down where he used it.
So I got some, put it on some branches. very first time, sure enough, I had a doe and fawn bed down near the scent. I used some the next couple seasons, had deer and hogs both bed down in shooting lanes, which were not bedding areas.
I made a mock scrape, I put a small amount of evercalm on a branch right above the licking branch to test what would happen. That evening, a basket rack 8 point came into the scrape, worked the licking branch, pawed it, peed in it, walked away all sprung up, high stepping, then came right back and laid down right on the scrape, and had me pinned down till after dark. Never saw another buck at that scrape, expect for some nighttime pics. It didn't work everytime, but I had enough pics and sightings to know it had some effect for sure.
Tried the same routine one other time with a mock scrap, with no success. They also had some doe in esterous stuff, and it was really expensive. Bought some of it, used it with no success that I could tell.
Like I said, I'm still not a foreign scent guy at all, and I'm not advertising the stuff. I haven't even used any the last couple of years cause of the hogs bedding down.
Love the old guys!


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It sucks that it has warmed up so much again, I am sure that it has slowed down daylight movement. We were helping a friend build a lean to on the side of her horse barn this afternoon and the horses were doing everything they could to get in the shade.
Yeah. Even the does are coming out 5 minutes before dark. Miserable. It is however, giving me a chance to let the place rest.

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I wonder how old this guy is.These are only I have of him so far

13.5…. His face looks 4” long. What a toad!

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It sucks that it has warmed up so much again, I am sure that it has slowed down daylight movement. We were helping a friend build a lean to on the side of her horse barn this afternoon and the horses were doing everything they could to get in the shade.
I think certain bucks are just starting to get locked down with does too.
It's been really slow.
Except repeated and willful trespassers with a 4 year old standing court order. Deputy responded from 30 miles away and found them on the county road.
I wonder how old this guy is.These are only I have of him so far
I would say only slightly younger than the dirt he is standing on! Sounds odd, but I would probably let him walk just because he has beat the odds for so long and I wouldn't want any bad karma from being the one to do him in. I had the same dilemma with a 3-legged buck that I had multiple years of history with (I never got the chance to arrow him after he reached 5 years old, the coyotes got to him 1st), I had a ton of respect for that buck being able to survive against the odds.
About 5 yrs ago, had a buddy who is an excellent bowhunter talk me into getting some Evercalm.

Not to derail the thread. But is still made? I put it on a mock licking branch years ago and they went right to it.
What's the story on the trespassers? Did they get a ticket for trespassing again? That's good to hear your local law enforcement responded so quickly.
Not to derail the thread. But is still made? I put it on a mock licking branch years ago and they went right to it.
It’s still made and can be ordered on Amazon. I’ve not tried it, but am intrigued by it.