All Things Habitat - Lets talk.....

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The first of many!

Dude thinks people should be free and able to make their own choices as to what they do with their life. Dude thinks if a person chooses to hunt behind fence or with a spear and stone then thats their choice. Dude is sick of seeing the states and Govt taking away peoples gun rights.peoples choices on what they do with their property they pay taxes on and the list goes on. Dude is really bright and is going to fight for his right. Some other dudes decide to sit back and get walked on then thats their choice. This is only the first of a few lawsuits against states stepping on peoples rights and as you can see, The judges agree.

Maybe you need a Tin Foil hat ... before you start quoting the "DUDE" ... know the "DUDE" ... :)

As far as Indiana goes - I just want to see these animals declared "wildlife" or "livestock". "Livestock" = USDA, "Wildlife" = DNR - beyond that I'm not going to argue either side of the coin.
As far as Indiana goes - I just want to see these animals declared "wildlife" or "livestock". "Livestock" = USDA, "Wildlife" = DNR - beyond that I'm not going to argue either side of the coin.
Yes sir. Thats just what the owners of these animals want. Private animals on private property that belong to a citizen is their property and are considered livestock. Deer behind wire are called alternative livestock. They are listed every year on the farm/ranches USDA report. When a farm get hit with EHD they are paid for the deer they lost. They are privately owned livestock.
For future reference, never engage.

It'll drive the drivelers absolutely crazy. Just post around them. :)

Good call John.
Did we just have our first BANISHMENT?!?!?!
Good deal!
Hopefully Mr. Seasons can find an agricultural forum with a livestock section where he can discuss with other farmers of similar interest. Best of luck to him!