Stock Market is the bottom in?

About the Russian invasion?? How great do YOU think that is??
No. About the DA's resigning. Do you have a problem with all the money spent investigating Trump and finding nothing?
What do you military and diplomatic geniuses think the U.S (or the world) should do now?? (I'm not saying that in anger or insult. REALLY.) If you sat in Biden's - or any other president's chair - what would your steps be, given this situation?? It's never as easy as flipping a light switch.

The whole world has allowed Russia to take parts of Eastern Europe, bit-by-bit, by annexing or placing puppet regimes that are friendly to Putin's wishes - for DECADES. If you want to place blame - that should go back decades. Russia's main source of income is from oil & gas, and the pipelines go through Belarus and Ukraine. Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why Putin wants to invade. Putin has said that his greatest embarrassment was the fall of the former Soviet Union. You guys think he'll stop trying to re-build all the land once part of the U.S.S.R. ??

Here's a question - why are some "American" people defending Putin's moves?? Anyone here pro-Russian?? A Putin-lover??
You have to wonder if the whole Trump Russian collusion thing was true, Russia would have invaded with Trump as president. Does anyone think Biden looks like a strong leader? All you have to do is watch his speeches. I always told my children, believe what you see and not what you hear. So far I can't name a single thing this president has done that has made this country stronger. I know for a fact that my family isn't better off now then they were under the Trump administration.
What do you military and diplomatic geniuses think the U.S (or the world) should do now?? (I'm not saying that in anger or insult. REALLY.) If you sat in Biden's - or any other president's chair - what would your steps be, given this situation?? It's never as easy as flipping a light switch.

The whole world has allowed Russia to take parts of Eastern Europe, bit-by-bit, by annexing or placing puppet regimes that are friendly to Putin's wishes - for DECADES. If you want to place blame - that should go back decades. Russia's main source of income is from oil & gas, and the pipelines go through Belarus and Ukraine. Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why Putin wants to invade. Putin has said that his greatest embarrassment was the fall of the former Soviet Union. You guys think he'll stop trying to re-build all the land once part of the U.S.S.R. ??

Here's a question - why are some "American" people defending Putin's moves?? Anyone here pro-Russian?? A Putin-lover??
The US is in no position to look down our noses with the amount of blood we have on our hands.
Unless of course you think the lost lives of millions of innocent people in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, among others are worth less than Ukrainians. And those are all in the 21st century alone.

I assume this will be the end of the pandemic as the corporate press shifts gears to war propaganda. Time to get all us lowly working folk in this country revved up to die or send our kids to die in a foreign land while the elite make billions off defense contracts.
No. About the DA's resigning. Do you have a problem with all the money spent investigating Trump and finding nothing?
Do YOU have a problem with the numerous, tax-payer paid for investigations into the Clintons and the "Whitewater scandal" that turned up nothing???

If there's legitimately not enough evidence to prosecute - then don't prosecute. I don't believe in bending laws - or wasting taxpayer money - on political stunts ........... by EITHER SIDE. And please don't pretend that it doesn't happen in both directions. Court results are court results. Massive voter fraud "claims" and all THOSE expenses ring a bell???? Every court shot those down, and NO PROOF of massive fraud was ever found. Numerous Republican officials in various states said NO massive voter fraud. And now those law-abiding Republican officials are under attack for not supporting a LIE and breaking the election laws to enact a coup here in the U.S. Even T****'s hand-picked judges wouldn't break the law.

What about all THAT tax-payer wasted money??? And court time??

We can either continue to eat each other apart politically - and FALL as a free-democracy country - or we can INSIST on TRUTHFUL, law-abiding officials. ----- ON BOTH SIDES. "My party - right or wrong" spells doom for either side. I'd like to see smart decision making that benefits ALL Americans - not just the few - and the U.S as a whole.

Please see my last sentence in post #1679 --------- just for some authoritative, all-knowing advice.
Do YOU have a problem with the numerous, tax-payer paid for investigations into the Clintons and the "Whitewater scandal" that turned up nothing???

If there's legitimately not enough evidence to prosecute - then don't prosecute. I don't believe in bending laws - or wasting taxpayer money - on political stunts ........... by EITHER SIDE. And please don't pretend that it doesn't happen in both directions. Court results are court results. Massive voter fraud "claims" and all THOSE expenses ring a bell???? Every court shot those down, and NO PROOF of massive fraud was ever found. Numerous Republican officials in various states said NO massive voter fraud. And now those law-abiding Republican officials are under attack for not supporting a LIE and breaking the election laws to enact a coup here in the U.S. Even T****'s hand-picked judges wouldn't break the law.

What about all THAT tax-payer wasted money??? And court time??

We can either continue to eat each other apart politically - and FALL as a free-democracy country - or we can INSIST on TRUTHFUL, law-abiding officials. ----- ON BOTH SIDES. "My party - right or wrong" spells doom for either side. I'd like to see smart decision making that benefits ALL Americans - not just the few - and the U.S as a whole.

Please see my last sentence in post #1679 --------- just for some authoritative, all-knowing advice.
I do have a problem with all witch hunts that are only for political gain. I think Clinton was a very good president and his impeachment was stupid. I despise how the government spends my tax money on both sides of the isle.
The US is in no position to look down our noses with the amount of blood we have on our hands.
Unless of course you think the lost lives of millions of innocent people in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, among others are worth less than Ukrainians. And those are all in the 21st century alone.

I assume this will be the end of the pandemic as the corporate press shifts gears to war propaganda. Time to get all us lowly working folk in this country revved up to die or send our kids to die in a foreign land while the elite make billions off defense contracts.
First - are "the elites" all Dems?? Last I checked, most of the big executives are Republicans, and donate billions of dollars to the party. (Koch bros. donated $800 million alone - and bragged about it.) I've been a working stiff all my life, so I'm with you on that. 99% of us are just cogs in the wheels - regardless of party affiliation.

I'm not for aggression by any country. The sh*t that began in Iraq, Syria, and the other countries you mentioned was started by despotic regimes / dictators in those countries. They killed their own people who dared to speak out . U.S. presidents / congresses of both sides chose not to police the world. (the Nixon "doctrine" was that the U.S. wouldn't be the policeman of the world. For those too young - Nixon was Republican.) I'm certainly NOT downplaying the lost lives in all those countries. Russia - under Putin - is a major player in the world, and he makes no secret that he'd like to see the Soviet Union rebuilt to its former self. That would mean more countries in Europe being invaded, and more world economics problems. Do you think Putin will stop at the Ukraine border?? He's already LIED when he said he was only "freeing" the 2 eastern small sections of Ukraine - and that he wasn't going to invade Ukraine as a whole. Putin has now said he wants to "de-Nazify" all of Ukraine. Ukraine was a peaceful country with NO Nazi regime as Putin has once again LIED. The whole world knows it's a lie.

Are you suggesting the U.S should just do nothing and let Europe "go it alone" again ----- as in the beginning of WW II ?? Or do you suppose all will be hunky-dory in the world under that scenario??
First - are "the elites" all Dems?? Last I checked, most of the big executives are Republicans, and donate billions of dollars to the party. (Koch bros. donated $800 million alone - and bragged about it.) I've been a working stiff all my life, so I'm with you on that. 99% of us are just cogs in the wheels - regardless of party affiliation.

I'm not for aggression by any country. The sh*t that began in Iraq, Syria, and the other countries you mentioned was started by despotic regimes / dictators in those countries. They killed their own people who dared to speak out . U.S. presidents / congresses of both sides chose not to police the world. (the Nixon "doctrine" was that the U.S. wouldn't be the policeman of the world. For those too young - Nixon was Republican.) I'm certainly NOT downplaying the lost lives in all those countries. Russia - under Putin - is a major player in the world, and he makes no secret that he'd like to see the Soviet Union rebuilt to its former self. That would mean more countries in Europe being invaded, and more world economics problems. Do you think Putin will stop at the Ukraine border?? He's already LIED when he said he was only "freeing" the 2 eastern small sections of Ukraine - and that he wasn't going to invade Ukraine as a whole. Putin has now said he wants to "de-Nazify" all of Ukraine. Ukraine was a peaceful country with NO Nazi regime as Putin has once again LIED. The whole world knows it's a lie.

Are you suggesting the U.S should just do nothing and let Europe "go it alone" again ----- as in the beginning of WW II ?? Or do you suppose all will be hunky-dory in the world under that scenario??
It’s fun and games until the first nuke gets launched. So it’s a fine line everyone has to walk. I can see Putin calling the toughest of sanctions we can offer, basically cutting them off from the dollar, an act of war…and then what. I damn sure don’t have the answers but it’s not cut and dry.
First - are "the elites" all Dems?? Last I checked, most of the big executives are Republicans, and donate billions of dollars to the party. (Koch bros. donated $800 million alone - and bragged about it.) I've been a working stiff all my life, so I'm with you on that. 99% of us are just cogs in the wheels - regardless of party affiliation.

I'm not for aggression by any country. The sh*t that began in Iraq, Syria, and the other countries you mentioned was started by despotic regimes / dictators in those countries. They killed their own people who dared to speak out . U.S. presidents / congresses of both sides chose not to police the world. (the Nixon "doctrine" was that the U.S. wouldn't be the policeman of the world. For those too young - Nixon was Republican.) I'm certainly NOT downplaying the lost lives in all those countries. Russia - under Putin - is a major player in the world, and he makes no secret that he'd like to see the Soviet Union rebuilt to its former self. That would mean more countries in Europe being invaded, and more world economics problems. Do you think Putin will stop at the Ukraine border?? He's already LIED when he said he was only "freeing" the 2 eastern small sections of Ukraine - and that he wasn't going to invade Ukraine as a whole. Putin has now said he wants to "de-Nazify" all of Ukraine. Ukraine was a peaceful country with NO Nazi regime as Putin has once again LIED. The whole world knows it's a lie.

Are you suggesting the U.S should just do nothing and let Europe "go it alone" again ----- as in the beginning of WW II ?? Or do you suppose all will be hunky-dory in the world under that scenario??

“First - are "the elites" all Dems?? Last I checked, most of the big executives are Republicans, and donate billions of dollars to the party. (Koch bros. donated $800 million alone - and bragged about it.) I've been a working stiff all my life, so I'm with you on that. 99% of us are just cogs in the wheels - regardless of party affiliation”

iI’d like to see you back that up. It’s actually the opposite
I'm sure the men in black are not reading our posts here to see what they should do to improve government. All I know for sure is my stocks are down and I want them to go back up. The guys on this forum don't have any control over what our government does. We just get to fund the bullshit with our tax dollars. My taxes are too high and my stocks are too low. Things sure have done a 180 degree turn around in the last year.
When Biden first got into office he went after big OIL. This hurt us on the energy front, and gave Russia some leverage. Then he made the US look like weak with the Afghan with-drawl. Russia also knows Biden's policy of do nothing, because they experienced it when they took Crimea. The US should let the Europeans fight it out, and weaken themselves, and then come in and clean it up as we did in the last two ww
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Here’s 2 charts we are all familiar I’m sure. The performance of the stock market overall and preform during WW2.

I will defend Putin on one stance, and that is with the west moving in on his cushion. Would we like it if Russia moved missles to Canada, and Mexico? We wouldn’t!

In my opinion, Ukraine isn’t our dog fight, and we shouldn’t force our way into it. Ukraine could have joined the UN, but they didn’t want to pony up what was needed, their government wanted to be socialists.

Our fight should have been a deterrence, but we were weak, so Russia pounced. Our position should be to line up in western Ukrain with the UN, and say here is the line, if you cross it, it is ww3. We are obligated to protect UN countries, Ukraine isn’t one. If Europe wants to protect Ukraine, then they should, because it is their back yard, and it is a fellow country of theirs. But that doesn’t mean the US needs to automatically be involved in their wars.
First - are "the elites" all Dems?? Last I checked, most of the big executives are Republicans, and donate billions of dollars to the party. (Koch bros. donated $800 million alone - and bragged about it.) I've been a working stiff all my life, so I'm with you on that. 99% of us are just cogs in the wheels - regardless of party affiliation.

I'm not for aggression by any country. The sh*t that began in Iraq, Syria, and the other countries you mentioned was started by despotic regimes / dictators in those countries. They killed their own people who dared to speak out . U.S. presidents / congresses of both sides chose not to police the world. (the Nixon "doctrine" was that the U.S. wouldn't be the policeman of the world. For those too young - Nixon was Republican.) I'm certainly NOT downplaying the lost lives in all those countries. Russia - under Putin - is a major player in the world, and he makes no secret that he'd like to see the Soviet Union rebuilt to its former self. That would mean more countries in Europe being invaded, and more world economics problems. Do you think Putin will stop at the Ukraine border?? He's already LIED when he said he was only "freeing" the 2 eastern small sections of Ukraine - and that he wasn't going to invade Ukraine as a whole. Putin has now said he wants to "de-Nazify" all of Ukraine. Ukraine was a peaceful country with NO Nazi regime as Putin has once again LIED. The whole world knows it's a lie.

Are you suggesting the U.S should just do nothing and let Europe "go it alone" again ----- as in the beginning of WW II ?? Or do you suppose all will be hunky-dory in the world under that scenario??

I said zero about republican's vs democrats so you can dump those parts of your reply to me right off the bat. There are plenty of blood-soaked monsters to go around.
Please tell me how the US intervention in any of those countries has made anything better? Which one of those wars was a success? Which one was worth the cost? I'm not defending Putin, but I am not willing to buy the media BS either. Remember WMD's in Iraq? I fell for that one hook line and sinker, never again.
Which one of your family members are you willing to sacrifice to this fight? Maybe you have lost a loved one in war, I don't know. But I can't help but notice how many people like to throw the big bad American military into other people's fights like they are watching their favorite football team on Sunday. Well guess what, the consequences are very real for those on the ground and caught in the crossfire. Meanwhile people are making billions of dollars of blood money.
I don't know what Putin will do. Maybe bringing NATO to his doorstep was a mistake? Remember the cuban missile crisis? The US wasn't exactly excited about Russia in Cuba either.
I've been trying to figure out why our guys want so badly to have our soldiers shoot at Russian soldiers over Ukraine. The only explanation that makes any sense is that they're afraid Vlad is gonna get his hands on all the people and info that our politicians have been using to sell influence in exchange for board seats, contracts, consulting work, book buys, speaking fees, etc. What he does with that information could be problematic.

We certainly don't need to actually go kill people to keep our defense contractors in high cotton. Defense spending is higher than it's ever been, and there is nobody on earth that can go toe to toe with us on subs and bombs and planes. But throw a little chicken feed to our politicians, and we can be (and likely already have been) toppled with ease.
I've been trying to figure out why our guys want so badly to have our soldiers shoot at Russian soldiers over Ukraine. The only explanation that makes any sense is that they're afraid Vlad is gonna get his hands on all the people and info that our politicians have been using to sell influence in exchange for board seats, contracts, consulting work, book buys, speaking fees, etc. What he does with that information could be problematic.

We certainly don't need to actually go kill people to keep our defense contractors in high cotton. Defense spending is higher than it's ever been, and there is nobody on earth that can go toe to toe with us on subs and bombs and planes. But throw a little chicken feed to our politicians, and we can be (and likely already have been) toppled with ease.
Ok that or stop an authoritative government from spreading and gaining influence in the world. I think my explanation probably makes more sense.

Defense spending was 7% of gdp during the cold war. It’s roughly 3% now. Should be 10
So.....anyone making a killing on the oil stocks?
Absolutely. I thought CVX would pass and hold $140 today. Not sure what's going on there, but I've been waiting a long time for energy companies to finally get their pay day. There's only so long America can get away with bad fed policy and bad energy policy. That bill is going to come due. Might as well hedge the risk by being producer and consumer.
Remind me again, how may billion dollars worth of military supplies did we just donate to Putin?

In theory giving equipment to a country to defend themselves seems smart, but it makes zero sense to give anything too a country that is guaranteed to lose, and just surrender the equipment to their enemy.