St. Lawrence Nursery (SLN) ready for orders

I have been checking it every day. Disappointed to see that some of the crabs from last year are not listed, especially Kerr.
I have been checking it every day. Disappointed to see that some of the crabs from last year are not listed, especially Kerr.
That was the only tree I checked for. I have been trying to add some for 3 years. Have had them on order here and Cummins only to have order cancelled. My original Kerrs have been in the ground for three years so time to try grafting off those trees.
Does he sell root stock? Can’t seem to find it but I thought he did.
Thanks for the updates BnB. You were on the ball today!

Not only Kerr, but also not seeing AWH on the list yet. :(
^^^^ Agreed, Mortenson. I was looking for AWH too. But I got into some WW and Chestnut crabs. Both of those are 100% fine with me. I need to send Connor an e-mail and ask him about AWH. I'm wondering when they'll be available.
I just placed an order for some Violi's and Winter Wildlife. Pretty exciting to get those anyway. Now waiting on a call back from NWC. I think this year I'm just focusing on crabs. Now perusing the rootstock list from Cummins and thinking about a tiny order from Grin. Also just read thru the old thread where we all discussed how our rootstocks died on us this year. Still traumatized, but I'll probably give it another shot.
SLN has sold seedling antonovka rootstock in the past - I believe they were about $3 per tree. I've purchased a couple dozen in the past to use for generic wildlife apple trees, but they were also the right size for grafting. I think i'll buy some this year for grafting.
I bought some of SLN's seedling apples about 6 years ago. Those trees are now about 14 ft. tall, but haven't produced any fruit yet. They don't all look the same - structure-wise - but they've all grown really well. I probably won't see fruit for another couple years, but they'll be big, full-sized trees. 2 of them have really good branch angles on their own, with no training.
I bought some of SLN's seedling apples about 6 years ago. Those trees are now about 14 ft. tall, but haven't produced any fruit yet. They don't all look the same - structure-wise - but they've all grown really well. I probably won't see fruit for another couple years, but they'll be big, full-sized trees. 2 of them have really good branch angles on their own, with no training.

Is there any difference in leaf shape, leaf color, or new stem color(I am thinking red for RedFlesh)?

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Bur - Yes there are some differences. Some of the bark on the newer shoots & limbs is redder on a couple than the other trees. Leaves are also a bit different. I'm guessing 2 of those trees will be some type of crab apple, just based on similarity of those 2 trees to some of the crabs we have. They seem to be more "limb-y" than regular apples, and the redness in the bark might be the clincher.

I'm anxious to see what they produce, but probably have another couple years to find out.
The online ordering is up and running, I ordered 5 apples/crabs last night.

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I am clearing a new area and was going to plant their rootstock to graft onto later. I will send him an email.