
Bonide has a 'superior' like dormant oil spray that is 98% where superior was labeled 99% mineral oil. Is this ok to use? I cannot find another supplier that sells anything like Superior.
BV that will work. That's what I used last year
I don't have that many trees that are 'up and running' yet so I am thinking a backpack sprayer will be fine, do you use that with the oil then capt/imidan or do you use 2 diff systems to accommodate those.
No they can be mixed dont mix oil with captan however. Up and running for control of disease is now not when fruiting. Pesticides are for bearing trees although insect can do damage to non fruiting trees . I would invest in a bigger sprayer or you will get tired of using it and won't dot at all. A 15 or 25 gallon atv sprayer would be good
I mean trees that are near bearing age. I only have like 3 that would be considered that at this point.
It never hurts to spray young trees to give them a good start
Ya'll wouldn't spray failed grafts that you'll have to regraft in the field though right, basically be like spraying a 1 foot tall root stock, lol.
No need to spray until in final resting spot. That's why they call the pre planting a nursery where you baby the grafts but I did spray my 2014 &2015 grafted trees that I had planted. The Jap beetles and caterpillars where attacking them so they got Imidan and Captan and Sevin sprays througout the year. Just remember DR trees are disease resistant not insect resistant so in order to protect your trees from those pests some sort of spraying would be required if you have an infestation but if you have a regular spray program those infestations are usually controlled by a managed spray program
Are pears, peaches, cherries sprayed the same as apples?
Pears and peaches and cherries use many of the same sprays as they face some of the same issues as apples but with that said there also some issues with spraying some other fruits besides apples but with the sprays I use I don't have that issue. I use Captan, Imidan, Sovran and sometimes Sevin along with dormant oil and maybe a copper spray early in the season. The only issue I have for instance is that the Sovran can cause problems with some varieties of Asian pears so I don't spray it on most of my pears and use only the Captan to hopefully take care of those issues. Research and read labels to better understand what to spray
Captan can cause issues with some pears, if I remember right phytotoxicity is an issue. Again always read the label. Labels can be found on line before buying the product. A publication such a the "Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide" is invaluable!
Does aynyone know if Imidan will help w/ Tent worms. A spot where 2 particular trees have tent worms on neighboring wild trees. I'd like to kill them off and will be spraying captan/imidan this weekend. Didn't know if I need to add seven to the mix for them or not.
It might. Read the label. Most likely will need Sevin to get them quicker. BV add some Sevin it will do the trick
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Yeah the label doesn't specify tent worms, thanks for some real world exp DWH.
Again always read the label. Labels can be found on line before buying the product. A publication such a the "Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide" is invaluable!

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Get one for your area and read it. I refer to it every year.
Excellent info in here. Another bump for more to see.
Has anyone ever used a hose end sprayer? The majority of my trees can be reached with a long hose from the house. Using a hose end sprayer would be pretty easy I'd think and can reach pretty high