Rye after Cleth


5 year old buck +
One of my TnM brassica fields is looking pretty thin and I want to overseed with WR and medium red clover. However, I see that quite a bit of grass is coming in. I would like to treat with cleth and then overseed with WR. How long should I wait after spraying cleth to plant WR?
Per the label do not plant rotational crops for 30 days. I’d wait 2 weeks and go for it. (But that’s me)

Also per the label do not apply more than 8oz per acre on brassica vegetables or crop damage may occur.

I’d add AMS for better weed control and maybe give the brassicas some N
Thanks Bill. I have crop oil, which I normally mix with cleth, and the label indicated that was fine for brassicas. OK?
I sprayed cleth and surfactant, then broadcast rye 10 days later. No tilling, mowing, or rolling. We've gotten plenty of rain in the past week and it looks like my rye germination is very good.
And yes crop oil should be good on the brassicas. May stunt the greens but not much.
I sprayed cleth and surfactant, then broadcast rye 10 days later. No tilling, mowing, or rolling. We've gotten plenty of rain in the past week and it looks like my rye germination is very good.

That’s what I needed to hear. I sprayed Cleth w crop oil last night (8/29). I’ll plant rye in about 10 days.