Quite the Diverse Trail


5 year old buck +
My son and I got back from camp from prepping for summer/fall plantings. We pulled camera cards which were there since early June when we were last there to complete our spring plantings.

The pics below are from the same trail. This trail is around 50 yards from my cabin and is the main trail leading to my woods. The camera is mostly there in case of trespassers. You'll see

- fox
- feral cat
- deer
- bear
- yote
- bobcat
- trespassing dogs

You never know what you're going to get.
Nice bobcat. My sympathy for the black volkswagon with it's headlights on.
Worst "killer" in those pictures was the stray housecat!
Worst "killer" in those pictures was the stray housecat!

We've had that housecat on our cameras for over 3 years now. It has been on cameras all over our 100 acres. I have no idea how it has avoided our yotes.
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We'd had that housecat on our cameras for over 3 years now. It has been on cameras all over our 100 acres. I have no idea how it has avoided our yotes.
Stone Cold K-I-L-L-A!!!
We'd had that housecat on our cameras for over 3 years now. It has been on cameras all over our 100 acres. I have no idea how it has avoided our yotes.
As big as that cat looks its probably eating your yotes - lol I did a double take on it thinking it was a black panther!
I've found the same thing, cameras on roads like that are great for capturing predators and trespassers (human and animal) along with some deer. During the rut you may be surprised at how many bucks you catch on that camera.
Nice set of pics.
That's almost a half a box of shells!
Just got back from camp and in the last 2 weeks I can add more new critters from this same camera:

- skunk
- rabbit
- different house cat
- turkeys

I think the yote is thinking he has quite the buffet.

Worst "killer" in those pictures was the stray housecat!

that could be the top 5 largest housecats I have seen in a long time. wow that is huge.