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QDMA shaking hands with MN DNR


5 year old buck +
Just saw on the Rum River QDMA Facebook page that the DNR is working with QDMA to publish an actual deer plan. I suppose this can't hurt the current situation. Is QDMA cut out for this though? Writing a deer plan for an entire state is a little more complicated then telling people to start a local co-op, pass on all the yearling bucks, and then send any money you make down to Georgia. I have a hard time believing the DNR would ask for help from anyone.
Whoa.... I need to hear more about this one....
Whoa.... I need to hear more about this one....
No kidding BLB. I asked RR if QDMA has ever done something like this for other states and they weren't sure. When you think about it, it's embarrassing not having an actual deer plan. I guess for now, the plan is to change the plan when people bitch too much.
I would bet it is nothing more than "something" so they can point to "action" on their part. One headline should put anyone that was remotely tuned in back in their place. That should buy them another 3-4 years of excuses.
SD's got it figured out. The MN DNR probably went groveling to them like a bunch of 2 year olds, saying "Evewebodys yewwing at us, pweese hewp us", instead of listening to their own hunters that are trying to help them fix the issue.
They ain't blowing smoke up my A$$. Its Bull!
Last time QDMA said this Leslie knew nothing about it. They should run it past her if its going to happen.
National has a hard enough time working jointly with some of their own branches let alone a state agency.
National has a hard enough time working jointly with some of their own branches let alone a state agency.

They don't even work with branches that don't exist...and never have existed....yet show up on their map as a branch. Such as the "Branch" at Pequot Lakes MN. Which has never existed. What a joke. They have no presence in this area of MN, yet want to tell the DNR how to operate? Pfffffft.
They don't even work with branches that don't exist...and never have existed....yet show up on their map as a branch. Such as the "Branch" at Pequot Lakes MN. Which has never existed. What a joke. They have no presence in this area of MN, yet want to tell the DNR how to operate? Pfffffft.
you just put a smile on my face with that rant!
National has a hard enough time working jointly with some of their own branches let alone a state agency.
Keep in mind, if this is actually happening, the product is most likely not an actual plan. The product may simply be a press release and political cover. And that is very easily produced.
They should still let the DNR know they are doing it. Just saying.

The Ottertail area does have a shot at change though. They have pockets of deer I am sure the DNR wants gone. The DNR 'needs' triggers up there, so they may try find a way to get more does shot.
Keep in mind, if this is actually happening, the product is most likely not an actual plan. The product may simply be a press release and political cover. And that is very easily produced.
well aware of how that a former BOD and Branch Officer of a now dissolved local branch. Our local efforts and the work of our volunteers planting food plots on state game lands equated to National working "jointly" with the PGC to improve public land and hunting opportunity. now that our branch is gone....qdma hasnt done squat with the PGC on that chunk of public ground.
I pitty the poor fool that is new to this forum and posts "QDMA - what do you guys think?" or "I love the MN DNR - doing a great job!"

It would almost be comical to a certain extent! Keyboards would start to smoke, servers would burst into flames and John would have to shut the site down. There might even be a stroke or two!
They don't even work with branches that don't exist...and never have existed....yet show up on their map as a branch. Such as the "Branch" at Pequot Lakes MN. Which has never existed. What a joke. They have no presence in this area of MN, yet want to tell the DNR how to operate? Pfffffft.
So your trying to tell me they never even had a branch there at all. You should contact someone and tell them to take it off their map. It must be an oversight.

Sorry couldn't resist.
So your trying to tell me they never even had a branch there at all. You should contact someone and tell them to take it off their map. It must be an oversight.

Sorry couldn't resist.

had to reread this post again...when i first read it i didnt detect the the sarcasm....thought for sure old foggster's head might explode upon reading that!
I was just getting up to get a bowl of popcorn to prepare for the bloodbath,,,, then I read the last tidbit. HAAAA
Same here phil, first thing I thought was ":eek: OMG he didn't just post that!" Next post we get from foggy would be in about a month as he was recovering from a heart attack, stroke, and brain aneurism.

Good one chummer!
.......and then the SOB's at QDMA boot you off their forum for stating the fact that they don't have any organization in this area.....and have never had an organization in this area.....even after I tried to join it for five years.....AND offered to help them put one together. THEN they have the nerve to invite MY DNR to their whoop-de-do event and tell them how to operate. Riiiiiight! They STILL have a dot representing a club in Pequot Lakes....where they have never had a club............................#$%^&*()
Foggy you need to save them rants some where so you can just cut and paste. I laugh every time you post them.