Poast and Cleth24DB


5 year old buck +
If I spray a clover plot with Poast (grass) and Cleth24DB (broad leaves) do I need to wait in order to broadcast seeds into it? I know with Gly, one can spread seed the same day it is sprayed. I live 3.5hrs from camp and try to maximize my trips. Thanks for the advice in advance.
Poast, Clethodium, and 2,4-DB are three different chemicals. Cleth and Poast are for grasses, I would use Cleth. 2,4-DB is a broadleaf chemical that works for clover. As for the carry-over, I don't know and haven't read the labels lately. I've never sprayed then tried to reseed, usually if you have a descent amount of clover, it will take back over after you spray. If you don't have enough of a clover stand to begin with, I'd probably start over, rather than spray. Good luck.
Poast, Clethodium, and 2,4-DB are three different chemicals. Cleth and Poast are for grasses, I would use Cleth. 2,4-DB is a broadleaf chemical that works for clover. As for the carry-over, I don't know and haven't read the labels lately. I've never sprayed then tried to reseed, usually if you have a descent amount of clover, it will take back over after you spray. If you don't have enough of a clover stand to begin with, I'd probably start over, rather than spray. Good luck.

I stated Cleth (I thought it was called Cleth24DB) but it is Butyrac 200 which has 24DB in it. Both the Poast and B200 are up at camp. I have never used either and purchased them this year. In the past I have only used Gly/AMS but need something more selective right now.

My goal is to broadcast brassicas into the thin spots of these smaller clover plots. Seeing I am in the north, it is best to get the seed in soon. I may just wait to address the grass and weeds until next spring and get what get this year.
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Clethodim lists beets, brassica greens, rape seed, carrots, radish, Kale, turnip greens etc. on the label. I wouldn't have any fear in following it with brassica's right after spraying and it drys.

Poast lists carrots, rape seed and beets. personally I wouldn't be afraid to plant brasicas behind it either.

2,4 D-B I'm not sure about. 2,4-D may linger a bit. Personally I'd do it, But that's me. Can't say you'll be fine so it's your call.