Plowing/Disking in the Fall

The western Minnesota sugar beet farmers Didn't have a fun year. American Crystal is going to get paid you can be sure of that. Where the money is going to come from I don't know.
I get it, this is a hunting forum. Actually hard maples are valuable timber crop in Great Lake states. Equal to best quality found in the world much like cherry is to Pennsylvania area. There is a hardwood veneer plant less than 15 miles from my land. I'll keep my maples thanks. As noted, many have different objectives and soil and timber management are hard to quantify for everyone.
I got $100+ a log for my hard maple when I had them cut.... My logger was thrilled when I told him he could take all he wanted of them! I was glad to see them go as they quickly close up the canopy.....which I was trying to open up.
Just finished keith berns lecture on Carbonomics that SD51555 posted

