pics from last pull


Nothing special just some interesting stuff. I switched to video mode and love it BTW. My first fawn on cam, a nice 3 year old a nicer 4 year old and a spider - that looks like it's huge and ready to attack a deer! I would like to see the 4 year old in person to see if I need to wait on him or not. The 3 year old needs to stay hidden at least another year.
Cool pic of the spider, like a grade "B" sci-fi movie Attack of the Killer Deer Spider.
I really like the video setting. It has already led me to consider one of my cams in question as it seems the deer don't like it. The deer, especially the bucks seem much more timid around it than I ever thought I saw with just the pics. I'm going to have to see what the deal is. The deer don't seem to be too concerned about the trace mineral block either - they are licking it like a giant pop-sickle.
Looking good!