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Official watch em grow thread:)

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
I thought it would be cool to create a thread that we can post pics of bucks from one yr to the next, an the next, so on an so forth if guys are lucky enough to have this kind of history with a buck. I really enjoyed a post by Native hunter that documented a bucks growth an history over several years. I got a couple bucks I am starting to develop some history with and wanted to share. Please post your pics! We all love to see that magical jump a bucks make from 2.5 to 3.5 to 4.5:)
This is a buck I call Hollywood that I estimated to be 3.5 last fall. He got his nick name because while many of the other bucks were camera shy he didnt care about them one bit. He would stand in front of a cam for an hr almost as if he liked nlife in the spot light haha. I passed him 2x last yr hoping that since he was such a home boy I get to see him grow. He made a descent jump from 3 to 4. Notice the split in his ear. He wont be passed this yr.
hollywood 3.5.jpg
hollwood.jpg And age 4
Here is a buck I call wacky rack from 3 to 4. He is pretty camera shy. He almost always stays a ways out from the trail cams. I saw him once on the hoof while bow hunting well beyond bow range. His tall rack looked good in person!
wacky rack 4 yrs old. He messed his Lt brow up this summer dangit haha
wacky rack 10.jpg
This is a buck I call brows jump from 2 to 3
an 3
I call this buck mini me because he is a smaller version of a big 10 I got running around. Not sure how old he is an would love to here yalls opinions. Anyways he made a nice jump from last yr to this yr. Notice the start of the sticker points on his bases. This yr they have developed into some nice stickers
Mini me this yr. Dates wrong in this pic (stupid covert mp5e)
small 10 new.jpg
and another early velvet shot
small 10.jpg
Pretty sure this is the same buck. He fequents my place much more this summer than last. Hope he sticks around this fall. I think he gets a pass.. here he is winter 2013 as a 3 yr old
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summer 14 as a 4 yr old. This yr he put on mass and height
clean 8 ####.jpg
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Nice bucks. Very cool to see photos of the same buck year after year.
Nice bucks. Very cool to see photos of the same buck year after year.
Tks man. I hope others post some of their bucks yr to yr hx
Really nice looking bucks Jordan! We do not have that many bucks that make it year to year so pics comparison pics are not the many.
Sorry for the poor pictures.
Last year in July.

This is a year later. 2014 . Look at the cut ear.
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this is same deer july 2014

In the last pic he has put on some bone.
I'm ready to go check cams for some updated pic!
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Wow huntall that buck did pack on some bone as well as some body weight!
Trying this from iPhone and hope it works. Look at how this one changed in one year. He made it through season last year and comes her in October each year.

I could have shot him in 12 and hunting another deer in 13. Can't wait to see him this year.
He had such a big neck and body in 12 I thought he was an old deer that just had a poor rack. This is my best example of not giving up on one too quick. And should tell me to just quit guessing age. Deer around here just don't grow much antler until they get age. I need to quit looking at pics from