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NY officially off the deep end

It is very complicated. It goes by county how they hand out permits. My county it is almost impossible to get cc, one county over and not so difficult. I believe all of NYC has been illegal due to that 100 yo law. To most of the media we are only NYC. Funny how so much gun crime is in NYC and it has been illegal all along.

Ah, I see. Thanks Chummer.
Varies by County. My County is no problem. I’ve had a CC for over 30 years. Just applied and got it in about 4 months. Next County up you have to do the target/sporting permit for years on end then maybe you get a CC. The media has been playing up the NYC rule. As Chummer stated. Most people believe that’s what NY State is. NYC. Although it’s looking like it doesn’t matter anymore if you have one or not. Doesn’t do any good sitting at home

Got it. I'm about 25 minutes from the NY border and we get our local news from there. I was having a hard time connecting the dots with what I was hearing on the news and your post. Thanks for getting back.
Might need to go the Ted Nugent route and get deputized. I believe his home county sheriff in Michigan made him a deputy so now he carries anywhere in the United States, regardless of laws.
CI just googled what was the penalty for concealed carry without a permit in New York State, the results state that it is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail, 3 years probation and a $1000 fine. If it were me, I would say screw the permit and it’s process to obtain it…Carry concealed anywhere and everywhere I see fit for my safety and my family’s safety, and to hell with the rules! Now, I will say, that by and large I am a legit rule follower, but this gun stuff has become a political tool to harass one political party or the other, nothing more, nothing less. It has become tiresome to even read headlines or listen to the back and forth bull#$%^!! Just tuck it in your pants, there is only 2 reasons you will be caught…1. You pull the damned thing and use it for exactly the reason you are carrying it (good for you and the rest of society)…or 2. Some weird stuff happens and you become disrobed or naked on the street or someone sees it and calls the PoPo and you get a ticket. Seriously, it is concealed for a reason. If no one knows you have it, you have done it correctly. If weird stuff happens and you get patted down by the cops and they find it…one in a million chance right there. I’m 48 and have never been patted down by a cop. Nuff said. Carry away and be safe.
Whoops, correction…I’m 47 for a few more months anyways. Otherwise I stand by the rest of my rant. Carry on.
Whoops, correction…I’m 47 for a few more months anyways. Otherwise I stand by the rest of my rant. Carry on.
I turned 47 yesterday and had to do the math. My daughter had me convinced I was 48. I got a year back just like that.
CI just googled what was the penalty for concealed carry without a permit in New York State, the results state that it is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail, 3 years probation and a $1000 fine. If it were me, I would say screw the permit and it’s process to obtain it…Carry concealed anywhere and everywhere I see fit for my safety and my family’s safety, and to hell with the rules! Now, I will say, that by and large I am a legit rule follower, but this gun stuff has become a political tool to harass one political party or the other, nothing more, nothing less. It has become tiresome to even read headlines or listen to the back and forth bull#$%^!! Just tuck it in your pants, there is only 2 reasons you will be caught…1. You pull the damned thing and use it for exactly the reason you are carrying it (good for you and the rest of society)…or 2. Some weird stuff happens and you become disrobed or naked on the street or someone sees it and calls the PoPo and you get a ticket. Seriously, it is concealed for a reason. If no one knows you have it, you have done it correctly. If weird stuff happens and you get patted down by the cops and they find it…one in a million chance right there. I’m 48 and have never been patted down by a cop. Nuff said. Carry away and be safe.

‘Right idea but, it’s a little more than just getting a ticket. You are right, just carry along and the odds of any issues are low. However this new law will make what was a misdemeanor into a felony. This is NY remember. Any felony and you can’t own any firearm even a shotgun. And they will certainly pull your permit for life. And again being NY if God forbid you do have to use it then quess who goes to jail and gets the harsher sentence. The good guy. In a nutshell these new laws just make law abiding people criminals just like that. Hopefully most gets struck down in the courts but as was said earlier they are throwing the gamut out there and after years of courts they hope to make some gains.
I think they also legalized cannabis. I was in NYC yesterday, and the whole place reeks of pot.
I tell ya, life is too short to live in NY, or any of them Commie states. Your wife, daughter, and elder in-laws would probably be happier if they got the hell out as well. I am not sure if you think there is t jobs in the rest of the country, or hunting land, retirement homes, etc.. but I would be looking into it.

I hear what you are saying and generally live my life on the “life is too short” philosophy. We are putting the finishing touches on our early retirement plan. My wife is 26 years into a 30 year pension and that $ and more importantly the insurance she will be walking away with are irreplaceable.
I live literally on the NY/PA border and spend most of my time on the PA side these days. The taxes and politics have always been a gripe but like the thread title, it has literally gone off the rails the last 2-3 years. There is a reason NY has led the country in the number of residents leaving the last 3-4 years. Sad, because this part of upstate around the Finger Lakes is absolutely beautiful with a lot of outdoor opportunities.
I think they also legalized cannabis. I was in NYC yesterday, and the whole place reeks of pot.

‘I heard that is the case around Las Vegas also. Probably all major cities. Funny thing in NY though, is they banned tobacco smoking just about everywhere. LOL.
I think they also legalized cannabis. I was in NYC yesterday, and the whole place reeks of pot.
Legalized with a tax payer funded ad campaign to tell you how to use it. Former minority felons arrested for drugs were given priority in obtaining the licenses needed to sell it. You can’t make this stuff up. I was just outside NYC for work a couple weeks ago and we were advised to stay out of the city and if we went definitely don’t go on subway If we valued our lives. This state is swirling down the bowl.
‘I heard that is the case around Las Vegas also. Probably all major cities. Funny thing in NY though, is they banned tobacco smoking just about everywhere. LOL.
I was in Vegas 5 years ago and you could get high walking down the street.
We were in Las Vagas this winter, it reeked of weed anywhere outside. But to be fair, we were in Myrtle beach last fall, and it was the same thing, just not as bad.
My daughters 98 avg landed her third in here class… she was a given a number of (hard earned) paper awards. She was upset that Apple device basket and “teachers choice” award went to the 8th grade “girl” that identifies as a dog (tail, ears, bowl at lunch). Guessing the backstory is her parents are deadbeats and the teachers are trying to help a puppy in a bad situation but I know what it painted for a picture to my kid. Mind you this is in Wyoming County- one of the most rural of the 50something of upstate.
Why does every media station I listen to out of NY make it sound like CC was never legal.
Open carry is what was illegal, when you apply for a pistol permit it is only for CC. Years ago it used to be if you had a pistol permit you get an open carry permit and had to apply for a special endorsement for Concealed Carry.

In my daughters gun hunters safety course the DEC officer stopped in as they usually do to congratulate the new hunters and I think it is part of warming them up to the idea that they aren't racist evil people but there to do a job and enforce laws that protect other hunters and the wildlife. Anyway, one of the fathers asked the DEC officer about a pistol law he wanted clarification on. The officer said if you were carrying and shopping at Walmart and reached up to the top shelf and his coat lifted enough to see the pistol, and a customer saw it and called it in, he was going to get a ticket and likely lose his pistol permit in the end. I don't recall the exact charge but to me it is ludicrous that you are legal to carry and someone gets triggered, you are at fault and losing your freedom. I don't have any pistols nor do I have a pistol permit, I just don't have much use for one in this state with the laws here, I would love to have one but with my luck it would get me arrested for shopping in Walmart.

What a crazy time to be alive!
My daughters 98 avg landed her third in here class… she was a given a number of (hard earned) paper awards. She was upset that Apple device basket and “teachers choice” award went to the 8th grade “girl” that identifies as a dog (tail, ears, bowl at lunch). Guessing the backstory is her parents are deadbeats and the teachers are trying to help a puppy in a bad situation but I know what it painted for a picture to my kid. Mind you this is in Wyoming County- one of the most rural of the 50something of upstate.
A nearby town here sounds like they are putting litter boxes in the bathrooms at school next year because the furbies or whatever the Smile they go by, are shitting on the bathroom floor. Future is so god damn bright.
Open carry is what was illegal, when you apply for a pistol permit it is only for CC. Years ago it used to be if you had a pistol permit you get an open carry permit and had to apply for a special endorsement for Concealed Carry.

In my daughters gun hunters safety course the DEC officer stopped in as they usually do to congratulate the new hunters and I think it is part of warming them up to the idea that they aren't racist evil people but there to do a job and enforce laws that protect other hunters and the wildlife. Anyway, one of the fathers asked the DEC officer about a pistol law he wanted clarification on. The officer said if you were carrying and shopping at Walmart and reached up to the top shelf and his coat lifted enough to see the pistol, and a customer saw it and called it in, he was going to get a ticket and likely lose his pistol permit in the end. I don't recall the exact charge but to me it is ludicrous that you are legal to carry and someone gets triggered, you are at fault and losing your freedom. I don't have any pistols nor do I have a pistol permit, I just don't have much use for one in this state with the laws here, I would love to have one but with my luck it would get me arrested for shopping in Walmart.

What a crazy time to be alive!

Brandishing is what they would call it. It’s a technicality charge of sorts to deter open carry. “The subject brandished their weapon causing fear to the people around them”. I’ve seen it here a few times in the paper. They do go over concealment pretty heavy in the pistol class as I remember.
A nearby town here sounds like they are putting litter boxes in the bathrooms at school next year because the furbies or whatever the Smile they go by, are shitting on the bathroom floor. Future is so god damn bright.

I think that story has died.
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In Wisconsin, anyone legal can open carry, no permit needed. But you do need a permit to conceal carry. I personally only, or make a good attempt to conceal my gun. Not for any law, or being afraid of offending anyone, I would just rather keep the element of surprise on my side.
I think that story has died.
Funny we had the same story here. Makes no sense, it is disproven in 2 seconds. I asked the kids and they looked at me like it was the stupidest thing they ever heard. We spent an hour discussing the logistics of it at work.