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New Trump Platform To Reach The Public

Hoping he comes out with a new social media platform so you don't have to put up with all the Facebook, Instagram, etc bias and filtering. People would flock away from all the sensored outlets!

How many libs will try to swarm this site and shut it down?
Thank you, General McCarthy.
I have never had a Twitter account, or Snapchat. I do use Facebook, but more so for information, and shopping for cool stuff for cheap, and I like to repost funny memes that offend people. I would love to have a site that isn’t controlled by the left. But we all know if Trump starts a site the left will have it shut down within a month. I had made a Parlor account, but never got into it. I assume because it was more based off of Twitter, and I don’t have a Twitter account.
But we all know if Trump starts a site the left will have it shut down within a month.

Only if he uses a left wing web host like Parlor did. The expense would be creating that amazon, google, etc size data center..
Only if he uses a left wing web host like Parlor did. The expense would be creating that amazon, google, etc size data center..

Trump is a business man first, promoter/communicator 2nd, and politician 3rd. he sees opportunity ...

I think he is looking to develop a competing internet platform seperate from Google, Bing, etc. That will draw in investors and other software innovators for web/app/etc who have been shut out of the market by bullies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
Trump is a business man first, promoter/communicator 2nd, and politician 3rd. he sees opportunity ...

I think he is looking to develop a competing internet platform seperate from Google, Bing, etc. That will draw in investors and other software innovators for web/app/etc who have been shut out of the market by bullies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

That would be great if it were to happen. I don't think he's done working to improve America just yet.
Trump is a business man first, promoter/communicator 2nd, and politician 3rd. he sees opportunity ...

I think he is looking to develop a competing internet platform seperate from Google, Bing, etc. That will draw in investors and other software innovators for web/app/etc who have been shut out of the market by bullies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

Trump is an opportunist. :emoji_smile: That lets him be what he wants when he wants. Perhaps he will build it on the dark web. That way all the folks out to get him won't be able to find it.
I would love to buy stock in a Trump platform. It would almost instantaneously suck the wind out of Twitter, Fakebook, and others sails. I have had dozens of people openly express to me that they have no place where they feel they can speak freely. Within 5 years I could see a $500 billion media conglomerate. Even the trolls and brown shirts from Twitter wouod have to sign up just so they could spout off their commie bullshit to everyone.

I think he should do a 10-15 min fireside chat once a week from his office.
I would love to buy stock in a Trump platform. It would almost instantaneously suck the wind out of Twitter, Fakebook, and others sails. I have had dozens of people openly express to me that they have no place where they feel they can speak freely. Within 5 years I could see a $500 billion media conglomerate. Even the trolls and brown shirts from Twitter wouod have to sign up just so they could spout off their commie bullshit to everyone.

I think he should do a 10-15 min fireside chat once a week from his office.

Who is censoring your ability to speak free here?
Who is censoring your ability to speak free here?

Where the hell did I say anybody was getting censored on HT??? People I know using fakebook, Twitter, or Instagram or any of the other crap have expressed to me that their stuff gets deleted and they are sent warnings or kicked off. They want an alternative......I’m not on any of the bullshit. Just HT for me. Don’t even visit the clown show on agtalk anymore.
Where the hell did I say anybody was getting censored on HT??? People I know using fakebook, Twitter, or Instagram or any of the other crap have expressed to me that their stuff gets deleted and they are sent warnings or kicked off. They want an alternative......I’m not on any of the bullshit. Just HT for me. Don’t even visit the clown show on agtalk anymore.

You didn't. You said:
I would love to buy stock in a Trump platform. It would almost instantaneously suck the wind out of Twitter, Fakebook, and others sails. I have had dozens of people openly express to me that they have no place where they feel they can speak freely. Within 5 years I could see a $500 billion media conglomerate. Even the trolls and brown shirts from Twitter wouod have to sign up just so they could spout off their commie bullshit to everyone.

I think he should do a 10-15 min fireside chat once a week from his office.
" I have had dozens of people openly express to me that they have no place where they feel they can speak freely. "

I was suggesting this is a great example of a place where folks can speak freely up to the point where they delve into personal attacks. :emoji_smile: ... and you don't disagree with Bill. :emoji_laughing:
I was suggesting this is a great example of a place where folks can speak freely up to the point where they delve into personal attacks. :emoji_smile: ... and you don't disagree with Bill. :emoji_laughing:

I've been fair with lots of people who disagree with me. Otherwise I'd be sitting in here alone.:emoji_slight_smile:
But yeah there is a point....
The only thing I don't like about the new platform is that its only one voice. Not that Trump interacted on twitter. I wouldn't think he did anyway.
The only thing I don't like about the new platform is that its only one voice. Not that Trump interacted on twitter. I wouldn't think he did anyway.

Yeah it’s not really a platform as much as it’s a blog. Yet?

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Check out Gab online they are a up and coming platform kinda like facebook but not all of the censorship.